My wife commented on this subject with her answer, What Dreams May Come.
I loved Robin Williams as a bad guy in One Hour Photo.
What was your favorite NES game?
Tecmo Bowl
Tecmo Bowl
Hut Hut Hut. We played that so much we blew out the chip on my friends system. LT and Singletary could always block FGs. Other favorites were Bases Loaded, Blades of Steel, Jackal, Contra, and Ghengis Kahn
What was your favorite NES game?
I loved Star Tropics 1 and 2. The latter was released in the final days of the NES.
I take it this does not include SuperNintendo… ?
PLEASE let it include Super NES! Super Metroid and Super Star Wars!!!
Tecmo Super Bowl - playing a DS version now
(Mike Tyson’s) Punch Out
(Mike Tyson’s) Punch Out
Can’t believe I forgot that one……I never got past Soda Popinski. :-D
Tecmo Super Bowl - playing a DS version now
(Mike Tyson’s) Punch Out
I could beat everyone but Tyson.
How about it ABW… Super NES too?!
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World game has a lot of 8 bit nostalgia.
There was the NES Dodgeball that was awesome.
Sweet! Thanks…
Favorites for Super NES: Super Mario Brothers
Star Fox
Super Mario All Stars