• I’m liking those NOs Bob. There is a bit of a problem with taking away 5 IPCs as well as all of Canada’s IPCs, because even with a non-split economy, either India or the British Isles will be subject to fall very easily. In fact, the best option might be to keep the economy split, keep all NOs and add one more, but have the option to spend NOs in either half. Changing the UK to more immediate NOs might help too. So these, for example, would work to help prevent a Sea Lion or J1 Crush, but also preventing easy IPCs later in the game.

    -Gain 5 IPCs every turn that Canada and ANZAC control all original territories.
    Will almost always have it at the beginning.
    -Gain 5 IPCs every turn that the UK controls the Suez Canal and the Straight of Gibraltar.
    Again, will almost always have it for the first few turns.
    -Gain 5 IPCs every turn that at least one European French territory is controlled by the Allies.
    Even shorter period of time here, but still useful for preventing a Sea Lion.

    For Euro '40 I’d suggest immediate NOs too. Perhaps just the latter two previously suggested.

    I do realize this slightly unfairly tips the scales to the Allies, but I still think it would be the best for keeping the UK at the level it’s at now. Any suggestions for balance?

  • '10

    I think that Canada would have to take it’s turn in conjunction with the UK, rather than on a separate turn (Even though being an independent power).  This might make it work.

    Canadian and UK forces should be able to attack and move together.

  • @FieldMarshalGames:


    /thumbsup for Canadian FMG Combat Dice!!

  • @FieldMarshalGames:


    OK so much for avoiding impulse shopping this month!!

    And when do these little babies come up for sale?

  • Just like how the UK is a split economy, make ANZAC a split economy

    It is now the British Commonweath Forces, it uses grey ANZAC pieces

    Keep all income seperate for Canadian roundel territories and ANZAC roundel territories.
    ANZAC 10 IPCs
    Canada 7 IPCs

    Due to the special nature of Canada, it may not take control of territories itself, it does so on behalf of the United Kindom, this money goes to London.

    Modify the starting set up, just a tad, to give Canada a boost. +1 Fighter, +1 Artilery

    Add two NOs for Canada.
    +5 IPCs If the United States is at war with the Axis Powers and all Canadian territories are allied controled
    +5 IPCs If Canada has units in Normandy/Borduex

  • @oztea:

    Just like how the UK is a split economy, make ANZAC a split economy

    It is now the British Commonweath Forces, it uses grey ANZAC pieces

    Keep all income seperate for Canadian roundel territories and ANZAC roundel territories.
    ANZAC 10 IPCs
    Canada 7 IPCs

    Due to the special nature of Canada, it may not take control of territories itself, it does so on behalf of the United Kindom, this money goes to London.

    Modify the starting set up, just a tad, to give Canada a boost. +1 Fighter, +1 Artilery

    Add two NOs for Canada.
    +5 IPCs If the United States is at war with the Axis Powers and all Canadian territories are allied controled
    +5 IPCs If Canada has units in Normandy/Borduex

    Give 5 ipc’s to the UK as a NO to balance the loss of 7 ipc’s

  • I was thinking of a new NO for UK….but since i dont know their actual ones i was unsure

    so here goes

    +5 IPCs for Control of Gibraltar and Egypt…unless thats already one

  • @oztea:

    I was thinking of a new NO for UK….but since i dont know their actual ones i was unsure

    so here goes

    +5 IPCs for Control of Gibraltar and Egypt…unless thats already one

    Gibraltar will fall I1 if Germany does a sealion, then. This NO can’t change for most of the game because it has to replace 6 or 7 canadian ipc’s. 5 ipc’s if allies controls all of the following: Quebec, South Africa, India, New South Wales. All factories of the British Empire needed.

  • I like the “all british factories” NO

  • @oztea:

    I like the “all british factories” NO

    Thanks. India is the one most likely to fall, but this probably won’t happen because a J1 in Global isn’t a good idea

  • It seems that the Brit NO is not all Canada and ANZAC, but all British and ANZAC territories. It will only collect this for 1 turn before Alexandria falls

  • @oztea:

    Just like how the UK is a split economy, make ANZAC a split economy

    It is now the British Commonweath Forces, it uses grey ANZAC pieces

    Keep all income seperate for Canadian roundel territories and ANZAC roundel territories.
    ANZAC 10 IPCs
    Canada 7 IPCs

    Due to the special nature of Canada, it may not take control of territories itself, it does so on behalf of the United Kindom, this money goes to London.

    Modify the starting set up, just a tad, to give Canada a boost. +1 Fighter, +1 Artilery

    Add two NOs for Canada.
    +5 IPCs If the United States is at war with the Axis Powers and all Canadian territories are allied controled
    +5 IPCs If Canada has units in Normandy/Borduex

    This is perfect! In addition to the all factories NO (thank you calvinhobbesliker) we have ourselves a Canada to play! AND I don’t have to paint any pieces white. Perfect. Thanks guys!

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    I will paint up some British units and make some roundels for Canada so people can add them if they like.
    How many of each unit should I put in a set and what color would you suggest? Price for my time and pieces?
    I will probably paint some Dutch from Russian units and communist Chinese too.
    I think I will paint the Dutch orange and the Communist Chinese red.

  • I have A&A on order, will be here in aweek or two.  but i’ve been trying to figure out what canada does.  several provinces have ipc value;  what do they do?  does UK collect the ipc’s?

  • @coachofmany:

    I will paint up some British units and make some roundels for Canada so people can add them if they like.
    How many of each unit should I put in a set and what color would you suggest? Price for my time and pieces?
    I will probably paint some Dutch from Russian units and communist Chinese too.
    I think I will paint the Dutch orange and the Communist Chinese red.

    AA Miniatures Infantry pieces are the same size as the Board game pieces. You can use those instead of having to paint.

  • @FieldMarshalGames:


    When and where can I get THESE BABIES!!!

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