@genken Thank you very much Panther & Taamvan…
Soviet minor industrial complex in Amur
I was thinking this might be a good idea to build an minor IC here (or perhaps in one of the adjacent territories) to churn out some tanks and/or fighters to beef up the 18 infantry they have in the region. I’m assuming here it will take Germany a few turns to attack Russia (First they’ll have to deal with the French and with the British fleets, for instance and then again build up their forces, I suppose). By doing this the Russians almost force the japanese to attack them. What they use against the Russians they won’t use against the Chinese, British and Anzac in the Pacific theatre. With the addition of Russian troops in the far-East the Pacific theatre suddenly seems a lot more balanced than Pacific40 on its own, a game which of course is hooribly unbalanced in favour of the Japanese (starting with 387 aircraft or so and crushing China in two turns, India on turn 3…).
I was thinking this might be a good idea to build an minor IC here (or perhaps in one of the adjacent territories) to churn out some tanks and/or fighters to beef up the 18 infantry they have in the region. I’m assuming here it will take Germany a few turns to attack Russia (First they’ll have to deal with the French and with the British fleets, for instance and then again build up their forces, I suppose). By doing this the Russians almost force the japanese to attack them. What they use against the Russians they won’t use against the Chinese, British and Anzac in the Pacific theatre. With the addition of Russian troops in the far-East the Pacific theatre suddenly seems a lot more balanced than Pacific40 on its own, a game which of course is hooribly unbalanced in favour of the Japanese (starting with 387 aircraft or so and crushing China in two turns, India on turn 3…).
Yeah, it’s a nice idea… building also an AA gun and 1\2 artillery and tanks… We have two different Japan from Anniversary and Global… in Global Japon will be besieged by US, URSS, China, ANZAC and Commonwealth… it’s hard time… in P40 also the game isn’t unbalanced … i play 3\4 games and Japan, after the initial run, will lose power… it can’t wrong a move.
I was thinking this might be a good idea to build an minor IC here (or perhaps in one of the adjacent territories) to churn out some tanks and/or fighters to beef up the 18 infantry they have in the region. I’m assuming here it will take Germany a few turns to attack Russia (First they’ll have to deal with the French and with the British fleets, for instance and then again build up their forces, I suppose). By doing this the Russians almost force the japanese to attack them. What they use against the Russians they won’t use against the Chinese, British and Anzac in the Pacific theatre. With the addition of Russian troops in the far-East the Pacific theatre suddenly seems a lot more balanced than Pacific40 on its own, a game which of course is hooribly unbalanced in favour of the Japanese (starting with 387 aircraft or so and crushing China in two turns, India on turn 3…).
Yeah, it’s a nice idea… building also an AA gun and 1\2 artillery and tanks… We have two different Japan from Anniversary and Global… in Global Japon will be besieged by US, URSS, China, ANZAC and Commonwealth… it’s hard time… in P40 also the game isn’t unbalanced … i play 3\4 games and Japan, after the initial run, will lose power… it can’t wrong a move.
In our games, once Japan took India (which invariably happened on turn 3) and had all but eliminated China, those powers were out. Sure the US was gaining strength, but always too little too late. Japan could easily grab the few remaining victory cities she needed.
Amur only has 1 IPC, it needs 2 to build a Minor IC i think. You can attack Korea or Manchuria and build one there tho.
Amur only has 1 IPC, it needs 2 to build a Minor IC i think. You can attack Korea or Manchuria and build one there tho.
Yeah, you’re right. Bummer. Thought it would be a nice strategy. All the surrounding territories are worth 1 IPC as well. To succesfully attack manchuria and/or Korea you will need to get some air and tank support there for the Russians, though!
Amur only has 1 IPC, it needs 2 to build a Minor IC i think. You can attack Korea or Manchuria and build one there tho.
Yeah, you’re right. Bummer. Thought it would be a nice strategy. All the surrounding territories are worth 1 IPC as well. To succesfully attack manchuria and/or Korea you will need to get some air and tank support there for the Russians, though!
Actually, Russia goes before Japan and its 6 inf in Amur can attack the 1 inf in Korea
Not likely that you hold it tho.
Not likely that you hold it tho.
True, but unless Japan wants to waste a transport, he has to divert the Manchurian troops. Meanwhile, the other 12 inf will be moved to Amur and can counterattack Manchuria or Korea
As Japan I would like the fact that Russia put 6 inf on Korea and moved the other 12 to the coast (easy prey). Your going to have to keep that boarder built up through the first 3-4 turns (or more) in fear of a Soviet invasion. I say if they split up and you can crush them w/bombardment and use your air power then do it so you don’t have to worry about them the whole game. I know it will delay other moves, but I just don’t like something hang over my head that I don’t have any control of. Plus the fact that if Russia looses that force early they loose that security blanket. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and they will have to divert forces. I would rather have them reacting to me.
Think of it this way, what’s worse
18 Infantry
Massive Air force. -
I think you guys forget that the Russians almost moves some of the troops in the Siberian Front back to fight the Germans. Even in Europe 1940, this is simulated by the Russians getting those two free infantry in the South. I bet those 18 will be pared down to something like 10 or 8 while the Japanese also move troops from Manchuria. Just my thought… :-)
I wouldnt count on that. The Russian forces provide a wonderful deterrant against Japanese aggression, even in China. It ensure that Japan at least has to keep a token force not to lose Korea and Manchuria. Also those 18 infantry in Amur are several turns away from being useful in Moscow or against Germany. I feel that a good Russian player will place them all in amur because if they are split up the Japanese can get them piecemeal.
Man, it’s horrible, I didn’t noticed the soviet round 1 attack on Korea … you can do it with just 3 inf (2 if you feel lucky). If success, it slows Japan a bit and USSR gets 3 IPCs to fight agaisnt Germany, they can enter China and they can attack neutrals (Persia)! Then, all you must do is let 1 inf at Amur to prevent blitz and stack the othe 14 infs at bur or sak :-P
This is totally stupid: USSR is going to attack Japan round 1 all the games. In fact, the sad truth is that USSR and Japan start the game at war because not only there are not penalties for the attacker, there are incentives for the attacker (that will be USSR since they play before) :-o
If I was Japan I would love for Russia to attack me every game R1, because to take Korea they would have to send at least 3 inf and the more inf they divide up the easier it is for Japan’s mighty airforce to take them down. I would have no problem as Japan to take 1 turn to eliminate the Russian Northern threat even if it delayed my attacks against UK.
Any troops Russia sends into China are fewer troops available to fight the Nazi when they come.
If I was Japan I would love for Russia to attack me every game R1, because to take Korea they would have to send at least 3 inf and the more inf they divide up the easier it is for Japan’s mighty airforce to take them down. I would have no problem as Japan to take 1 turn to eliminate the Russian Northern threat even if it delayed my attacks against UK.
Any troops Russia sends into China are fewer troops available to fight the Nazi when they come.
Yeah…15 planes vs 15 inf.
If I was Japan I would love for Russia to attack me every game R1, because to take Korea they would have to send at least 3 inf and the more inf they divide up the easier it is for Japan’s mighty airforce to take them down. I would have no problem as Japan to take 1 turn to eliminate the Russian Northern threat even if it delayed my attacks against UK.
Any troops Russia sends into China are fewer troops available to fight the Nazi when they come.
This is pretty much my thought as well. In fact, I’m going to try adding USSR into AAP40 as a full player this weekend and see if that hampers the J3 India Crush.
Can the Russians even get IPCs for Korea? Isn’t there a convoy in the Japan SZ.
Good catch Wilson. That’ll put a damper on that idea.
Good catch Wilson. That’ll put a damper on that idea.
It still denies Japan 3 ipcs if they don’t bother taking it back, which diverts stuff from China
Good catch Wilson. That’ll put a damper on that idea.
It still denies Japan 3 ipcs if they don’t bother taking it back, which diverts stuff from China
convoys are only blocked at japans round i thought, so USSR gets its 3 IPC
I thought the same thing bout marseille, italy takes it but there are 2 french ships before it…