• By the way it looks like we also have the NOs already. They can be found on Bob Mickelsons charts. (first post in this forum)

  • @calvinhobbesliker:


    We could have someone play Italy if one more wants to join.

    And how is this going to work? We post moves, roll on the forum (how does that work) and then posts lists of our tropps in the end of each turn? Also the order in witch to take casulties are not as clear now as be4, whenever there are mecs and art involved there might be a problem.

    Rolling works like this. For 2 inf and a tank,
    DiceInput ErrorThere was an error in your dice throw: “/>replace” is not correct syntax.

    If the order of losses is not clear, ask your opponent(s)

    LOL dice roller example just made my day.

  • I’d be cool with either just Japan or Italy.  Both seem interesting to me.  I’ve played a bunch of AA50 games but the new rules (including scrambling and neutrality) in AA40 might throw me for a loop.  The other Axis players might want to warn me ahead of time if I am getting myself into (unexpected) trouble.  So I’d prefer whoever takes the other power to have played P40 before.

    I’d like to play Japan since they seem to be a big shot in the Pacific, but all the J1 strategies I’ve seen so far wouldn’t seem to be optimal for a German Sealion strategy.  I’m supposing I ought to find some good neutral-till-J3 strategies (I’m guessing I ought to go for Calcutta, if we’re really trying to KO Britain)?  Otherwise, I should be fine with Italy if someone else really wants Japan since Italy starts out at war with the UK already.

    If we’re going to start a PBF game we need to start a thread in the PBF section.

  • Here are some unit abbreviations:
    Arm, Tnk-Tank/Armor
    Mec(h)-Mechanized Infantry
    Tac/TBmr-Tactical Bomber
    Bmr/SBmr-Strategic Bomber
    AA-Antiaircraft gun
    MaIC-Major Industrial Complex
    MiIC-Minor IC
    NB-Naval Base

  • SgtBlitz…probably you and I need to have a private e-mail conversation about our strategies before we begin.  I prefer we both discuss and advise each other’s moves, plans, etc…as the game goes on.  I’ve played AAP40 quite a bit, so I can warn you, etc…

  • Check your PMs miamibeach, think we can converse that way.

  • Can I assume everyone is in favor of playing with no techs for this first game?  I think that does make sense.

  • @miamibeach:

    Can I assume everyone is in favor of playing with no techs for this first game?  I think that does make sense.

    Sure. Start a thread in the PBF

  • Sounds good!

  • As for techs, my preference would be to play without them, but I really don’t care one way or the other.

    I am good with typing up the turn order in a post, and rolling in a post, etc…

    I am good starting now or whenever you guys are ready.

    I did have one question before we begin…what do we do if someone makes an illegal move or roll…say they move a fighter to a battle that actually can’t reach , or say they forget to downgrade tac bomber when its supporting unit dies etc…  Does anyone have a good system for arbitrating these kinds of mistakes.

  • One more question…is the attacker going to roll for his own units and the defender?  This would really speed things up, but we might have a problem with taking casualties.

  • @panzerjager:

    As for techs, my preference would be to play without them, but I really don’t care one way or the other.

    I am good with typing up the turn order in a post, and rolling in a post, etc…

    I am good starting now or whenever you guys are ready.

    I did have one question before we begin…what do we do if someone makes an illegal move or roll…say they move a fighter to a battle that actually can’t reach , or say they forget to downgrade tac bomber when its supporting unit dies etc…  Does anyone have a good system for arbitrating these kinds of mistakes.

    Just point it out and make them redo it

  • @panzerjager:

    One more question…is the attacker going to roll for his own units and the defender?  This would really speed things up, but we might have a problem with taking casualties.

    Yes. Most of time the OOL is obvious. If not, ask the opponent.

  • @panzerjager:

    One more question…is the attacker going to roll for his own units and the defender?  This would really speed things up, but we might have a problem with taking casualties.

    I think I prefer everyone make their own rolls…but I’m willing to do what the majority decides.

  • @miamibeach:


    One more question…is the attacker going to roll for his own units and the defender?  This would really speed things up, but we might have a problem with taking casualties.

    I think I prefer everyone make their own rolls…but I’m willing to do what the majority decides.

    Yeah, attacker rolling for the defender is conventional and speeds the game up

  • miamibeach, are you ready to do G1?

  • Ok, no tech.  Lets wait a bit to hear on what everyone wants to do on the die rolling.

    SgtBlitz and I are still strategizing, but almost done…in the mean time one of you can start the PBT.

  • @miamibeach:

    Ok, no tech.  Lets wait a bit to hear on what everyone wants to do on the die rolling.

    SgtBlitz and I are still strategizing, but almost done…in the mean time one of you can start the PBT.

    What’s PBT?

    I think everyone agrees that attacker rolls all dice. That’s way, you don’t generally have to have your opponent be online.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:


    Ok, no tech.  Lets wait a bit to hear on what everyone wants to do on the die rolling.

    SgtBlitz and I are still strategizing, but almost done…in the mean time one of you can start the PBT.

    What’s PBT?

    I think everyone agrees that attacker rolls all dice. That’s way, you don’t generally have to have your opponent be online.

    Sorry, I mean PBF.

    We might as well wait to see what players think about die rolling while I wait to finish up with SgtBlitz.

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