Questions about US neutrality and Commonwealth response to Japanese decl. of war

  • Hi!
    i’m new here. I played 4 games with pacific and it’s a nice A&A game. My questions is about the US neutrality:

    1. The US land units can’t occupy and grab the ipc of DEI. In a game, my friend take in the first turn celebes with one US inf to catch the british NO. I read in this forum that’s not possibile because US can’t take DEI territories untile they are occupied by Japanese units; is it correct?

    Only the UK and Anzac can occupy the DEI territories while the US can’t, only in case they are occupied by Japan. I think it would be so, but i’m not sure.

    Thanks for your answers. :-)

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, Stefano1189!

    While it’s not at war, the US may not move units into territories belonging to other powers, including the Dutch territories.  After it’s at war, it may occupy Dutch territories (move units there), but it may not take control of them unless it’s recapturing them from Japan.

    See the FAQ for more information.

  • @Krieghund:

    Welcome, Stefano1189!

    While it’s not at war, the US may not move units into territories belonging to other powers, including the Dutch territories.  After it’s at war, it may occupy Dutch territories (move units there), but it may not take control of them unless it’s recapturing them from Japan.

    See the FAQ for more information.

    Thank you Krieg!

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