One game of revised I was playing my firned played the SU and had no expirence so he asked me(UK/US) what the best unit in the game was based on Att and Def stats. I told him BB but he should build Inf and Art. Instead he realised he had 24 Ipc the same cost of a BB in revised. So he Brought the BB. the German player wis licking his lips seeing that Russia would fall easily. So on G1 the German attacked the UK BB by Gilbartir with a sub and a BB. He killed it thinking that he would take the SU BB next turn wasting the SU players turn. He then took Lenningrad and CauCau. Next SU brought another BB. At this stage I was thinking of conceding after UK had lost Calcutta turn before. Then When Germany attacked Moscow which had all of its original units. The SU player hadn’t attacked at all. The battle was
Germany, 2inf, 6arm, 4 fig, 1 bmr against SU, 3 inf, 1 fig, 2arm, 1 art, AA
First round
AA gun took down 2 Fig and Bmr
Germany killed 1 inf
SU killed 2 inf 1 arm
2nd round
AA GUn killed 2 fig
Germany killed 2 inf 1 art
SU killed All 5 arm
Germany was so angry he attacked two BBs with BB and sub. He lost both with neither BB taking a hit.
Germany then just started making random attacks on SU and lost because of it.