Has anyone found proper colors to use for custom units for 1914 for each power ? I’ve had no luck finding anything so I try to color match to the best of my abilities but if there was RGB or CMYK info out there it would be awesome for modders.
Official Color Designations with Initial IPC's
British Empire 30 Light Green
Ottoman Empire 16 Dark Teal
Italy 14 Brown
United States 20 Dark Green
Austria/Hungary 26 Green
Imperial Russia 25 Maroon
Imperial Germany 35 Dark Gray
France 24 Dark Blue -
Yeah, we knew this weeks ago.
Well, I am pretty well color blind when it comes to all the shades
used for all the different countries all across the Axis Allies universe.
I never got a definitive answer to my question that I asked earlier about colors for AA 1914.
So I thought I’d post the definitive answer for AA 1914.
where are you getting the ‘official’ stuff?
The various photos don’t help much; the French units appear to be anything from medium blue to dark purple.
The Brits are anywhere from lime green to khaki, the Russians dark brown to pink, the Italians pale orange to crimson.
Is it confirmed anywhere that the infantry are the same size as WWII infantry? They look rather more detailed to me, which suggests perhaps a slightly larger size.
Got the Rules, but not the game.
Maybe he is related to Larry.
I don’t like being scooped on my own site. :x
All 24 pages of them!