I got B in English!
Hey, that’s great! Keep up the good work.
I prefer subjects I’m better at.
Like history?
No we don’t do history yet “social studies” where we learn about boring Canadian history, but we learned a bit about Chinese and Japanese history. Besides I don’t care if the natives want this land back, I don’t care they use to have it, I don’t care about their dumb symbols. If I was American, I would most likely learn about better things
B in socials
Well, a B is not bad. I can imagine that Canadian history is pretty boring though. American history is very exciting by contrast. So, yes, you would learn about better things. When we lean about “Indians/Native Americans” we also get to learn about cowboys and railroads and Indian wars and the Alamo and all that stuff… very exciting.
Sorry… we are WAYYY off topic.