@drdachel Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:
A transport can’t be part of a land combat.
During Combat Movement you would need to move naval and/or air units into the transport’s seazone to conduct naval combat there.
i just got the axis and allies game, but i was somewhat familiar with the rules. My friend and i were playing, and we didn’t have any problems with the rules until we came upon a scenario:
britain wants to load a tank onto an american transport. can britain use the “bridging” rule and attack right away? would america have to unload it during their turn? also, would america be able to have the british tank attack during the american battle, if no american troops were part of the battle?
Any Allied Transport can only unload on it’s turn….
The answers, as best I can, in order:
no, yes, and no.
Ah, honest mistake, wasn’t looking carefully at the question.