Dylan, the game you just played didn’t seem to favour the axis. Didn’t Germany fall on England’s second turn?
I really don’t have a favourite, pros and cons. Somebody else mentioned the Axis for the compact power each nation presents, I agree with that on the Axis.
However, the allies present some unique challenges and if done correctly can make you a stand out player. I am pretty good at the Shuck, the allies are tough to beat when a steady flow of infantry plus versitile air-support is present. An efficient supply chain is always what makes an army successfull in the long term. Co-ordination with the the brits and americans are key to success in the atlantic ie, brits move fleet and land then americans reinforce fleet position and land position.
Full allied co-operation in the soviet theatre can be nasty for the axis. The Axis must always think “What can the allies do in sequence to screw me up”. As Japan, they must think, “What if the americans did this, then the russians moved in some armour to back them up, then the brits move in more forces with air” or "if the americans take out that blocking infantry then the british tanks can blitz through and attack my airforce ‘behind the lines’. There seems to be less opportunity for the axis to have combined forces to present the same options. However, strong Japanese airpower in Germany can really cause problems with the fleet moves of the brits and americans where they both must reach the same new SZ, the japs go before the fleets combine……