German strategy for the world game

  • @Funcioneta:


    I think the UK will have around 30 ipc to start (or more) in E40 + its NO, it has 24 ipc on that side of the board in AA50. Have you seen how many tt there are in the Middle East (pro neutral), and Africa that UK can get its hands on from the sneak peek we got the other day. In Africa you just have the French vacate their tt (head towards Egypt or S Africa IC to reinforce), then let the greedy Italians take the French tt temporarily. Then recapture them w/UK or US, giving more $ to the allies

    We have yet to know how Middle East neutrals work … and it’s pretty possible than or USSR takes some of them or that UK will need 2-3 turns to take all of them if Italy doesn’t take them first

    As for Free France territories, I guess that best strat for Italy is ignoring them (with the probable exception of Morocco and maybe Syria if they are involved in NOs) and taking UK territories, aiming for SAF IC (we have some precedents of guys ignoring or semi-ignoring certain minor power because of some certain rule)

    If it’s pro-ally, you walk in during NCM and it’s yours(and you get those inf). The UK troops in West India can easily secure the pro-ally Iran. I’m not sure if Russia can capture neutrals before it’s at war, though.

  • @WILD:

    In 40E (or global) the German starting navy might be worth investing in though w/Baltic out of UK air range and the Danish Straight. Better hold on to Norway :-D  As usual though Germans building navy will cost them in the land battle.

    I was thinking a German navy in the Baltic could be helpful in the fight against the Soviet Union; the Soviet Union is huge and being able to bring troops over to Leningrad and other Baltic states could be huge.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:



    I think the UK will have around 30 ipc to start (or more) in E40 + its NO, it has 24 ipc on that side of the board in AA50. Have you seen how many tt there are in the Middle East (pro neutral), and Africa that UK can get its hands on from the sneak peek we got the other day. In Africa you just have the French vacate their tt (head towards Egypt or S Africa IC to reinforce), then let the greedy Italians take the French tt temporarily. Then recapture them w/UK or US, giving more $ to the allies

    We have yet to know how Middle East neutrals work … and it’s pretty possible than or USSR takes some of them or that UK will need 2-3 turns to take all of them if Italy doesn’t take them first

    As for Free France territories, I guess that best strat for Italy is ignoring them (with the probable exception of Morocco and maybe Syria if they are involved in NOs) and taking UK territories, aiming for SAF IC (we have some precedents of guys ignoring or semi-ignoring certain minor power because of some certain rule)

    If it’s pro-ally, you walk in during NCM and it’s yours(and you get those inf). The UK troops in West India can easily secure the pro-ally Iran. I’m not sure if Russia can capture neutrals before it’s at war, though.

    i don’t think iran, iraq and such were pro-allies, probably neutral, perhaps even pro-axis (as they were anti-british in real)

  • @Frontovik:




    I think the UK will have around 30 ipc to start (or more) in E40 + its NO, it has 24 ipc on that side of the board in AA50. Have you seen how many tt there are in the Middle East (pro neutral), and Africa that UK can get its hands on from the sneak peek we got the other day. In Africa you just have the French vacate their tt (head towards Egypt or S Africa IC to reinforce), then let the greedy Italians take the French tt temporarily. Then recapture them w/UK or US, giving more $ to the allies

    We have yet to know how Middle East neutrals work … and it’s pretty possible than or USSR takes some of them or that UK will need 2-3 turns to take all of them if Italy doesn’t take them first

    As for Free France territories, I guess that best strat for Italy is ignoring them (with the probable exception of Morocco and maybe Syria if they are involved in NOs) and taking UK territories, aiming for SAF IC (we have some precedents of guys ignoring or semi-ignoring certain minor power because of some certain rule)

    If it’s pro-ally, you walk in during NCM and it’s yours(and you get those inf). The UK troops in West India can easily secure the pro-ally Iran. I’m not sure if Russia can capture neutrals before it’s at war, though.

    i don’t think iran, iraq and such were pro-allies, probably neutral, perhaps even pro-axis (as they were anti-british in real)

    Iran is pro-ally; Iraq is pro-axis

  • @Znieh:


    In 40E (or global) the German starting navy might be worth investing in though w/Baltic out of UK air range and the Danish Straight. Better hold on to Norway :-D  As usual though Germans building navy will cost them in the land battle.

    I was thinking a German navy in the Baltic could be helpful in the fight against the Soviet Union; the Soviet Union is huge and being able to bring troops over to Leningrad and other Baltic states could be huge.

    Yea thats what I’m counting on too. It will be nice to be able to use the Baltic past the 2nd turn. In AA50 if Germany didn’t spend a ton of $ on navy, it was gone. Now I hope just a few pieces will keep it in tact, along w/strategic tt like Norway, and other Baltic coastal tt.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    No, it’s not. Especially if they build 10 inf a turn. For every 2 inf they build, you have to build an in, art, and trans, so you quickly run out of money

    Look, Italy has an edge over Britain in Africa and the Middle East most likely, with being close to North Africa, thats so much losses after a while, and if Germany is doing their job, and their bitch is doing their job, they should be fine.

  • @Dylan:


    No, it’s not. Especially if they build 10 inf a turn. For every 2 inf they build, you have to build an in, art, and trans, so you quickly run out of money

    Look, Italy has an edge over Britain in Africa and the Middle East most likely, with being close to North Africa, thats so much losses after a while, and if Germany is doing their job, and their b**** is doing their job, they should be fine.

    An edge over Britain? Britain has a FACTORY in Africa and the only pro-axis Midlle Eastern Country, Iraq, is easily invadable from West India. Besides, Iraq doesn’t touch the Med, so Italy will have to go through Syria or Jordan to reach it. Italy is close to N Africa, but the British can sink their transports, preventing reinforcements like they did historically. Tanks built in S Africa can reach Egypt in 2 turns.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:



    No, it’s not. Especially if they build 10 inf a turn. For every 2 inf they build, you have to build an in, art, and trans, so you quickly run out of money

    Look, Italy has an edge over Britain in Africa and the Middle East most likely, with being close to North Africa, thats so much losses after a while, and if Germany is doing their job, and their b**** is doing their job, they should be fine.

    An edge over Britain? Britain has a FACTORY in Africa and the only pro-axis Midlle Eastern Country, Iraq, is easily invadable from West India. Besides, Iraq doesn’t touch the Med, so Italy will have to go through Syria or Jordan to reach it. Italy is close to N Africa, but the British can sink their transports, preventing reinforcements like they did historically. Tanks built in S Africa can reach Egypt in 2 turns.

    Even if Italy can not do it alone Japan will most likely make it through, also I am sure Italy can build at least a minor IC in Africa, might need to get pass Egypt to do it their.

  • @Dylan:




    No, it’s not. Especially if they build 10 inf a turn. For every 2 inf they build, you have to build an in, art, and trans, so you quickly run out of money

    Look, Italy has an edge over Britain in Africa and the Middle East most likely, with being close to North Africa, thats so much losses after a while, and if Germany is doing their job, and their b**** is doing their job, they should be fine.

    An edge over Britain? Britain has a FACTORY in Africa and the only pro-axis Midlle Eastern Country, Iraq, is easily invadable from West India. Besides, Iraq doesn’t touch the Med, so Italy will have to go through Syria or Jordan to reach it. Italy is close to N Africa, but the British can sink their transports, preventing reinforcements like they did historically. Tanks built in S Africa can reach Egypt in 2 turns.

    Even if Italy can not do it alone Japan will most likely make it through, also I am sure Italy can build at least a minor IC in Africa, might need to get pass Egypt to do it their.

    Japan? They take 5-7 turns to capture East India. They’re not going to be doing anything Africa-related for a long while.

    I doubt Italy will have any tt which 3 or more ipc in Africa. Maybe Libya will be 2, but that’s a waste of 12 ipcs just to build a factory when transports would suffice. Italy cannot bypass Egypt; the Sahara prevents this. Egypt is the key to Africa, the Middle East, and India. Thus, in a Global game, taking it should not be easy(like in ALL other games)

  • @calvinhobbesliker:





    No, it’s not. Especially if they build 10 inf a turn. For every 2 inf they build, you have to build an in, art, and trans, so you quickly run out of money

    Look, Italy has an edge over Britain in Africa and the Middle East most likely, with being close to North Africa, thats so much losses after a while, and if Germany is doing their job, and their b**** is doing their job, they should be fine.

    An edge over Britain? Britain has a FACTORY in Africa and the only pro-axis Midlle Eastern Country, Iraq, is easily invadable from West India. Besides, Iraq doesn’t touch the Med, so Italy will have to go through Syria or Jordan to reach it. Italy is close to N Africa, but the British can sink their transports, preventing reinforcements like they did historically. Tanks built in S Africa can reach Egypt in 2 turns.

    Even if Italy can not do it alone Japan will most likely make it through, also I am sure Italy can build at least a minor IC in Africa, might need to get pass Egypt to do it their.

    Japan? They take 5-7 turns to capture East India. They’re not going to be doing anything Africa-related for a long while.

    I doubt Italy will have any tt which 3 or more ipc in Africa. Maybe Libya will be 2, but that’s a waste of 12 ipcs just to build a factory when transports would suffice. Italy cannot bypass Egypt; the Sahara prevents this. Egypt is the key to Africa, the Middle East, and India. Thus, in a Global game, taking it should not be easy(like in ALL other games)

    So are you saying the Allies get a huge edge

  • @Dylan:






    No, it’s not. Especially if they build 10 inf a turn. For every 2 inf they build, you have to build an in, art, and trans, so you quickly run out of money

    Look, Italy has an edge over Britain in Africa and the Middle East most likely, with being close to North Africa, thats so much losses after a while, and if Germany is doing their job, and their b**** is doing their job, they should be fine.

    An edge over Britain? Britain has a FACTORY in Africa and the only pro-axis Midlle Eastern Country, Iraq, is easily invadable from West India. Besides, Iraq doesn’t touch the Med, so Italy will have to go through Syria or Jordan to reach it. Italy is close to N Africa, but the British can sink their transports, preventing reinforcements like they did historically. Tanks built in S Africa can reach Egypt in 2 turns.

    Even if Italy can not do it alone Japan will most likely make it through, also I am sure Italy can build at least a minor IC in Africa, might need to get pass Egypt to do it their.

    Japan? They take 5-7 turns to capture East India. They’re not going to be doing anything Africa-related for a long while.

    I doubt Italy will have any tt which 3 or more ipc in Africa. Maybe Libya will be 2, but that’s a waste of 12 ipcs just to build a factory when transports would suffice. Italy cannot bypass Egypt; the Sahara prevents this. Egypt is the key to Africa, the Middle East, and India. Thus, in a Global game, taking it should not be easy(like in ALL other games)

    So are you saying the Allies get a huge edge

    No, I’m just saying the Axis won’t get a huge edge in that area like they always have.

  • The side that gets air & naval superiority in the Med will have the advantage in Africa. Italy will have the only IC in the Med, so I would think they will have a slight edge early on. You know Italy will spend most of its $ there, where UK has a lot of other commitments (North Sea/Atlantic, India etc), so I don’t think UK will be able to match Italy $ for $. Most AA games start w/UK getting its A$$ kicked (especially its navy). I picture a UK rd2 last stand at Malta, with its navy and air for some reason. I could be way off, but I think Malta may be the only island in the Med w/allied air base (scramble) from the start. The only thing UK has going for it is it can consolidate its power before Italy’s turn, so it could be a tough nut to crack.

  • @WILD:

    The side that gets air & naval superiority in the Med will have the advantage in Africa. Italy will have the only IC in the Med, so I would think they will have a slight edge early on. You know Italy will spend most of its $ there, where UK has a lot of other commitments, so I don’t think UK will be able to match Italy $ for $. Most AA games start w/UK getting its A$$ kicked (especially its navy). I picture a UK rd2 last stand at Malta, with its navy and air for some reason. I could be way off, but I think Malta may be the only island in the Med w/allied air base (scramble) from the start. The only thing UK has going for it is it can consolidate its power before Italy’s turn, so it could be a tough nut to crack.

    Well, the UK will have a strong navy in the Med. Tanks in SA can reach Egypt in 2 turns, and UK can also build a factory in West India to protect Egypt.

  • @Dylan:



    The side that gets air & naval superiority in the Med will have the advantage in Africa. Italy will have the only IC in the Med, so I would think they will have a slight edge early on. You know Italy will spend most of its $ there, where UK has a lot of other commitments, so I don’t think UK will be able to match Italy $ for $. Most AA games start w/UK getting its A$$ kicked (especially its navy). I picture a UK rd2 last stand at Malta, with its navy and air for some reason. I could be way off, but I think Malta may be the only island in the Med w/allied air base (scramble) from the start. The only thing UK has going for it is it can consolidate its power before Italy’s turn, so it could be a tough nut to crack.

    Well, the UK will have a strong navy in the Med. Tanks in SA can reach Egypt in 2 turns, and UK can also build a factory in West India to protect Egypt.

    But remember India will be fairly poor, in IPCS

    West India belongs to UK

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Well, the UK will have a strong navy in the Med. Tanks in SA can reach Egypt in 2 turns, and UK can also build a factory in West India to protect Egypt.

    Agreed, but Italy will be a power house too, and its navy has to be larger then what UK can bring at it rd1. There is no way UK will be able to take out the Italian navy in its opening move (remember UK goes before the Italians). UK will not be able to attack and sink the Italian navy rd1, (if it can game is broken) but it will get the chance to move its units into a def posture. I think it will take a few rds to sort out who ends up with the superiority in the Med, but UK will have its hands full with Germany in the N Sea/Atlantic. It would be nice to build another UK IC (minor) in W India, but will they be able to afford it and still feed all its other IC’s.

  • I’m also expecting the Germans to have more navy then normal in the Baltic w/many subs in the Atlantic. That and the fact the UK will most likely be isolated the first 2-3 rounds (no allies), could take its toll on the UK navy.


    There is no way UK will be able to take out the Italian navy in its opening move (remember UK goes before the Italians). UK will not be able to attack and sink the Italian navy rd1, (if it can game is broken) but it will get the chance to move its units into a def posture.

    Let me rephrase this, as long as Germany does its job rd #1, and takes crucial units from UK that are in striking range of the Italian navy, then the UK should not be able to sink the Italian navy. I do remember a German blunder not taking out UK ships in sz 12/15 rd1 in AA50 that leads to the Italian navy getting sunk rd1.

  • @WILD:

    I’m also expecting the Germans to have more navy then normal in the Baltic w/many subs in the Atlantic. That and the fact the UK will most likely be isolated the first 2-3 rounds (no allies), could take its toll on the UK navy.


    There is no way UK will be able to take out the Italian navy in its opening move (remember UK goes before the Italians). UK will not be able to attack and sink the Italian navy rd1, (if it can game is broken) but it will get the chance to move its units into a def posture.

    Let me rephrase this, as long as Germany does its job rd #1, and takes crucial units from UK that are in striking range of the Italian navy, then the UK should not be able to sink the Italian navy. I do remember a German blunder not taking out UK ships in sz 12/15 rd1 in AA50 that leads to the Italian navy getting sunk rd1.

    Well we do not even know the starting set up, like of who has more ships in the Med and stuff.

  • @WILD:

    I’m also expecting the Germans to have more navy then normal in the Baltic w/many subs in the Atlantic. That and the fact the UK will most likely be isolated the first 2-3 rounds (no allies), could take its toll on the UK navy.


    There is no way UK will be able to take out the Italian navy in its opening move (remember UK goes before the Italians). UK will not be able to attack and sink the Italian navy rd1, (if it can game is broken) but it will get the chance to move its units into a def posture.

    Let me rephrase this, as long as Germany does its job rd #1, and takes crucial units from UK that are in striking range of the Italian navy, then the UK should not be able to sink the Italian navy. I do remember a German blunder not taking out UK ships in sz 12/15 rd1 in AA50 that leads to the Italian navy getting sunk rd1.

    I hope that the UK actually HAS a navy after G1, unlike in previous ones where they are just left with a single transport

  • @Dylan:

    Well we do not even know the starting set up, like of who has more ships in the Med and stuff.

    Yea but logic would bring you to believe that the UK will not be able to sink the Italian navy rd1 (before Italy’s first turn) as long as Germany kills a few vital UK pieces. I can’t tell from the picture if Sicily or Sardinia will be able to scramble air units to protect the Italian fleet off the Italian coast, but I would hope one of them will.


    I hope that the UK actually HAS a navy after G1, unlike in previous ones where they are just left with a single transport

    I think Germany will do a number on the UK navy as normal, but w/UK going before Italy I think it will be able to salvage most of the ships in the Med. I’m not sure how well a J1 attack will work in global, so UK should be able to save its Indian fleet too if Japan delays.

  • @WILD:


    Well we do not even know the starting set up, like of who has more ships in the Med and stuff.

    Yea but logic would bring you to believe that the UK will not be able to sink the Italian navy rd1 (before Italy’s first turn) as long as Germany kills a few vital UK pieces. I can’t tell from the picture if Sicily or Sardinia will be able to scramble air units to protect the Italian fleet off the Italian coast, but I would hope one of them will.

    I hope that the UK actually HAS a navy after G1, unlike in previous ones where they are just left with a single transport

    I think Germany will do a number on the UK navy as normal, but w/UK going before Italy I think it will be able to salvage most of the ships in the Med. I’m not sure how well a J1 attack will work in global, so UK should be able to save its Indian fleet too if Japan delays.

    Yeah like the other guy said it is more even then other games.

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