E40 and G40 ABattlemap modules preview

  • @SAS:


    Global will be the most played

    I think you should include a Indian roundel for India, and also make India a full power

    Good idea the diplomatic matrix

    It’s this compatible with 0.79 or we must update to 0.80?

    If you check the second picture he posted he has a separate space under the UK roundel for England and India IPCs, though it would be EXTREMELY helpful if they were separate on the info box for counting IPCs as well.  I’m not sure how complicated the coding would have to be for that with using a single UK roundel that gets counted separately based on the territory or if having a completely separate Indian roundel would be easier…

    It’s easy: if it’s on the Pacific board, it belongs to India, even if British untis took it. If it’s on the Europe board, it belongs to the UK, even if Indian units took it

  • @calvinhobbesliker:



    Global will be the most played

    I think you should include a Indian roundel for India, and also make India a full power

    Good idea the diplomatic matrix

    It’s this compatible with 0.79 or we must update to 0.80?

    If you check the second picture he posted he has a separate space under the UK roundel for England and India IPCs, though it would be EXTREMELY helpful if they were separate on the info box for counting IPCs as well.  I’m not sure how complicated the coding would have to be for that with using a single UK roundel that gets counted separately based on the territory or if having a completely separate Indian roundel would be easier…

    It’s easy: if it’s on the Pacific board, it belongs to India, even if British untis took it. If it’s on the Europe board, it belongs to the UK, even if Indian units took it

    I understand that, I just mean for the purposes of the program I don’t whether it’s easy enough to just have two separate totals under UK in the info box (which would obviously be calculated based on whether they are on the left/Europe side or the right/Pacific side) or if it’d just be easier to create a new roundel for either side and leave it at that (Union Jack for England side or something based on the Indian flag for the India side…).  If it comes to it we could manually count it like you would have to do with an actual board game, but the info box on Abattlemap makes that easier and if we could keep it easier by having the program count the separate English and Indian territories itself it’d be much better.  I’m talking practicallities of the program, not the game itself.

  • India should not be a power form the beginning, Canada or not. Larry is probably trying ensure that Dutch East Indies money is not spent on Europe instead on Asia (where should), but there are more easy ways of preventing a ignore Japan strat, and yet Larry continues refusing to do them (splitting more the American mainland, keeping 6 VCs as victory condition for Japan in global game, deleting the ACME wall or making a solid non-agression pact rule)… and anyway I doubt that ignoring Japan is going to be possible in global. This India split is going to do more bad than good because it prevents some Africa or Europe money going to India, and without that money, I don’t know who India is supposed to hold much if setup is the same as in AAP40

    Said that, we have India as playing power, like it or not, and so we need totally separate toolbars and markers for UK and India, at least for AABattlemap

  • You could probably also make Funcioneta (and a few other people) very happy by including a “no-Canada markers” version of the map for basic gameplay so there won’t be any confusion :wink:, though of course most people will just use the one based off the normal map, which could also be useful for any Canada-mod games. 8-)

  • @SAS:

    You could probably also make Funcioneta (and a few other people) very happy by including a “no-Canada markers” version of the map for basic gameplay so there won’t be any confusion :wink:

    Like “no-Homers” markers? I would be fun!  :mrgreen:

    But no, this is not another Canada rant, it’s a India rant  (sorry, Apu)  :-D

  • @Stoney229:

    So, assuming I will be able to work on these modules when Europe comes out, which one would people like to begin playing first?  Europe or Global?  If there is a consensus, then that is the one I will work on first.

    Global!  :-) :-D :mrgreen:

  • Alright thanks guys!  Global it is.


    It’s this compatible with 0.79 or we must update to 0.80?

    No, if I am able to include sector info files (read below), I will be including features that require the latest version of ABattlemap, which I will call .80+, since it is different from the first version .80 but was not given a different version number.  Read this post for a description of version .80+.  If I didn’t include the feature of automatic NO calculations, I could probably make it compatible with .79f, but that seems unnecessary since people should probably be upgrading to .80+ anyway for the convoy disruptions feature, bug fixes, and other things.


    I think you should include a Indian roundel for India, and also make India a full power


    If you check the second picture he posted he has a separate space under the UK roundel for England and India IPCs, though it would be EXTREMELY helpful if they were separate on the info box for counting IPCs as well.  I’m not sure how complicated the coding would have to be for that with using a single UK roundel that gets counted separately based on the territory or if having a completely separate Indian roundel would be easier…

    As of right now I have included the India (SEAC) roundel for the purpose of keeping its income separate from UK income, but I think it’s better for the rest of the UK pieces to not be separated between 2 different powers, since they all take their turn together anyway.  You can download the module as it is so far to see what I’m talking about.  The consequence of including the separate India flag, however, is that France will not be able to be “allied” with the other allies in the module due to apparent limitations in the program.  We won’t know how much of an effect that will really have on the game until it comes out.

    The bad news is that it is possible I may not be able to include sector information for the global module at all, given the sheer amount of territories/sea zones it will have and limitations and/or bugs within ABattlemap itself.  For a while I thought that the program wouldn’t support more than 255 sectors in a module (tho I haven’t tested it), but I noticed today the “behavior” of one of the tools suggests that may not be the case - so hopefully, if  I can avoid the bugs (or what I presume to be bugs), we’ll still have a nearly-fully-functioning module.


    You could probably also make Funcioneta (and a few other people) very happy by including a “no-Canada markers” version of the map for basic gameplay so there won’t be any confusion :wink:, though of course most people will just use the one based off the normal map, which could also be useful for any Canada-mod games. 8-)

    I never really intended on putting the canada markers on the map anyway (they’re not on the Pac40 map), since they ostensibly provide no function.  However, now that you mention it, since there may likely be canadian house rules similar to what you had speculated in another thread, maybe I will include them!  Thanks for the idea ;)

    What does everyone think?  Should I include them? (see attached)

  • @Stoney229:

    I never really intended on putting the canada markers on the map anyway (they’re not on the Pac40 map), since they ostensibly provide no function.  However, now that you mention it, since there may likely be canadian house rules similar to what you had speculated in another thread, maybe I will include them!  Thanks for the idea ;)

    What does everyone think?  Should I include them? (see attached)

    No, you should not include them in the map. The reason is clear: if we are going to mod the game, we will give Canada a full new color instead (other powers have not the roundels after all). You can include a separate file with the marker and the toolbar for modders

  • @Stoney229:

    As of right now I have included the India (SEAC) roundel for the purpose of keeping its income separate from UK income, but I think it’s better for the rest of the UK pieces to not be separated between 2 different powers, since they all take their turn together anyway.  You can download the module as it is so far to see what I’m talking about.  The consequence of including the separate India flag, however, is that France will not be able to be “allied” with the other allies in the module due to apparent limitations in the program.  We won’t know how much of an effect that will really have on the game until it comes out.

    Why France cannot be allied? And anyway, what matters? This is not TripleA anyway. Or it’s matter of NOs and convoy calculations?

    Well, I think it’s better have the things polished and make a separate toolbar for India and another for neutrals, but your choice

    Anyway, I loaded the preview module with 0.79 and it worked … saving the NO boxes, that seem have odd behaviours. Good point with “unknown Europe”  :-)

  • Other stuff, could you make Dutch East Indies purple like in old AAP41? This way, it’s more difficult confuse them with “Indian” East Indies (Borneo)  :lol:

  • @Funcioneta:

    Why France cannot be allied? And anyway, what matters? This is not TripleA anyway. Or it’s matter of NOs and convoy calculations?

    Including India pushes France down to being the 10th power, so then I can’t identify France in the list of allied powers (in MapInfo.txt) as a single-digit integer, which seems to be how it is parsed.

    Yes, it is a matter of NOs, but I am not thinking it will affect convoy disruption calculations.  Maybe I will just not include the automatic NO calculations, then it would not be an issue and I think I can then make it compatible with .79f (although .80+ would still be required for all the features like convoy disruption).

    Alternatively, I could swap China and France since it would probably not matter with china, but then the order of powers on the toolpieces palette would not fully reflect the turn order in the game.


    Well, I think it’s better have the things polished and make a separate toolbar for India and another for neutrals, but your choice

    putting in another row of toolpieces makes the ToolBar and InfoView windows larger, taking up more space on the screen and making the viewable area of the map smaller.  Also, when you mix India and UK units on a territory/sector, they would not “stack” like units of a single power normally do, cluttering up space on the map and making them more tedious to move.


    Anyway, I loaded the preview module with 0.79 and it worked … saving the NO boxes, that seem have odd behaviours.

    Yes, that is right.  I’m curious, is the any particular reason not to upgrade to .80+?

  • That’s very reasonable. I dind’t know the single-digit issue. Then, you can keep the current tool bar, wait until we know the global rules and then make changes if needed

    About not upgrading … I was fearing not being compatible with old AA50 and Revised modules. I’ll check it now

  • OK, I updated to 0.80 and all old stuff still works nicely

    I checked P40 3.1. It has improved, but seems you didn’t used the convoy option. I’ll add two things:

    • There are a bunch of unused markers at z52. Since kamis and cash are represented, you should delete them (I guess you forgot do so and anyway is easy modding the start file)

    • In dummy toolbar, kamikaze marker should be under minor IC marker, and damage counters for AB and NB should be under AB and NB markers. With current toolbar, damage NB counters will add 6 IPCs to neutral land total (like aaguns)… not very important, just for polishing it

    Anyway, great job

  • On more thing: Burma Road still is counted even without chinese marker on it … the same goes for Philippines NO and Hong Kong NO

  • @Funcioneta:

    About not upgrading … I was fearing not being compatible with old AA50 and Revised modules. I’ll check it now

    All new versions of ABattleMap should be fully compatible with previous modules.  Newer modules, however, may not be compatible with previous versions of ABattlemap.


    OK, I updated to 0.80 and all old stuff still works nicely

    I checked P40 3.1. It has improved, but seems you didn’t used the convoy option.

    Did you update to 0.80, or “0.80+”??  (You can tell by looking at the file size - 0.80 is 78.0 KB, and 0.80+ is 80.0 KB).  Version 0.80 does not support convoy disruption, you have to get the newer version 0.80+ which is only available packaged with the download of Atti’s P40 module.  If you do have version 0.80+, remember that convoy disruption is contingent upon “at-war” status.  a flag in the “USA At War” NO tells the program that US and Jap are at war with each other.  A flag in the “UK/ANZAC At War” marker above India tells the program that UK/ANZ and Jap are at war with each other.


    • There are a bunch of unused markers at z52. Since kamis and cash are represented, you should delete them (I guess you forgot do so and anyway is easy modding the start file)

    Yes, I forgot to delete them.  This will be fixed in the next version, which should come out very soon.


    • In dummy toolbar, kamikaze marker should be under minor IC marker, and damage counters for AB and NB should be under AB and NB markers. With current toolbar, damage NB counters will add 6 IPCs to neutral land total (like aaguns)… not very important, just for polishing it

    I agree they make more sense rearranged.  You may have noticed I rearranged them in G40 module, but I think I am going to leave them as is in the P40 module since changing them affects module compatibility with older save files.


    Anyway, great job

    Thanks very much!


    On more thing: Burma Road still is counted even without chinese marker on it … the same goes for Philippines NO and Hong Kong NO

    this is the “auto-NO” feature I was talking about.  Most NOs will show up in infoview according to whether or not they are met, regardless of whether or not it has its marker (in case you forget to add/remove the marker when you make/break an NO).

    Anyway, we are getting off-topic.  I do appreciate your questions/comments.  If you have any more regarding the P40 module v3.x, please feel free to post on that module’s thread.  Comments/questions regarding the G40 or E40 modules are still welcome here on this thread!  Thanks!  :-D

  • Upgraded to 0.80+ (it was really hidden). It’s a nice improvement and old modules work as you said, so yes, there is no reason to not upgrade. I like specialy that sums air units separate

    About G40, I think there is no limitation to the number of playing powers. I have a module called “Globale War” that has 15 powers!

    Yep, you rearranged them in G40, but Kamikaze marker is still in aaguns row … I still think that it whould be in minor ICs row, but it doesn’t mind. I guess you’ll have to do some changes when global rules appear

    OK, I think that if you have too much territories, you could delete NOs boxes because they are counted anyway, marked or not. You can include a chart as reminder (in unit stats chart, per example)

  • @Funcioneta:

    Upgraded to 0.80+ (it was really hidden). It’s a nice improvement and old modules work as you said, so yes, there is no reason to not upgrade. I like specialy that sums air units separate

    Glad you like it!  I do too.


    About G40, I think there is no limitation to the number of playing powers. I have a module called “Globale War” that has 15 powers!

    Different features of Abattlemap support limited numbers of powers.  some features only support 8 powers.  Alliance/team definitions apparantly only supports up to 9 powers.  Globale War does have 15 powers, but it has no coded teams/alliances.  If the teams/alliances becomes an issue, I’ll just not include the automatic-NO feature, so then (from what I am thinking), teams won’t matter.


    Yep, you rearranged them in G40, but Kamikaze marker is still in aaguns row … I still think that it whould be in minor ICs row, but it doesn’t mind. I guess you’ll have to do some changes when global rules appear

    I like the kamikazes in the AA gun column.  That way, all the facilities are together and facility damage markers are in their appropriate columns too.  any particular reason you think the kamikazes should go in the mIC column instead?

  • @Stoney229:

    I like the kamikazes in the AA gun column.  That way, all the facilities are together and facility damage markers are in their appropriate columns too.  any particular reason you think the kamikazes should go in the mIC column instead?

    If kami marker is in aaguns row, it will add 6 IPCs to neutrals total in Infoview for each kami counter, that’s the reason. It’s not very important, but take into account that is possible that some neutrals in Global have a tank or a fighter or such (probably Spain or Turkey)

    It’s possible that you want make a optionals chart zone. You could include if NOs and Techs are On or Off, have a option for splitting of UK income (India, Canada or no split), non restricted move of China, non restricted move of neutrals, non-agression treaty, J1 attack on allies forbidden, and Kamikazes control box (those are some possible ideas). That would save kamis marker, that could be replaced by a normal jap marker. In fact, I think that AA50 could have also a optionals chart, being the more obvious NOs, tech, Dards open and escorts

    I just noticed as well mobilization zone. It was really needed  :-)

  • @Funcioneta:


    I like the kamikazes in the AA gun column.  That way, all the facilities are together and facility damage markers are in their appropriate columns too.  any particular reason you think the kamikazes should go in the mIC column instead?

    If kami marker is in aaguns row, it will add 6 IPCs to neutrals total in Infoview for each kami counter, that’s the reason. It’s not very important, but take into account that is possible that some neutrals in Global have a tank or a fighter or such (probably Spain or Turkey)

    Okay, I see what you are saying, but I think I would rather keep it the way it is with the facilities together, since I don’t expect anyone will really be paying attentions to the neutral InfoView assets stats, as it would still be unreliable and will be spread out over several different neutral nations, some of which could become allied and some of which could become axis so the numbers won’t really mean much anyway even if they are accurate.


    It’s possible that you want make a optionals chart zone. You could include if NOs and Techs are On or Off, have a option for splitting of UK income (India, Canada or no split), non restricted move of China, non restricted move of neutrals, non-agression treaty, J1 attack on allies forbidden, and Kamikazes control box (those are some possible ideas). That would save kamis marker, that could be replaced by a normal jap marker. In fact, I think that AA50 could have also a optionals chart, being the more obvious NOs, tech, Dards open and escorts

    I just noticed as well mobilization zone. It was really needed  :-)

    Thank you for the suggestion - I could do this if I have extra room on the map.  I must first ask about your comment on the mobilization zone - is that sarcasm?  It seems sincere to me, but to be honest the only reason I included it was because I had space to fill - normally I use the chart on the bottom-right as a mobi zone.  So if you were sincere about the mobi zone being needed, I’m glad, but you should tell me if you think it would be better to have a mobi zone or your suggested house rules chart.  With the layout the way it is, it will probably be one or the other unless I here other people saying they really want both.

  • The mobilization zone was a sincere comment. In AA50, I often put my purchased units in neutral countries until I deploy them (I use Spain for UK/Ger/Ita, Turkey for USSR and Mongolia for USA/China/Japan), but in Global, those contries are going to have units, so yes, I really need that movilization zone

    About the 2nd question, you can have both, the house rules and the movilization zone. Take into account that movilization zone has not to be too big (Spa, Tur and Mon were small in AA50). I guess one could have enough with 1/4 of your current movilization zone in Global preview. Also, you could reduce as well the fleet gathering zone to, say, 2 or 3 spots. With all this saved space you’d have enough to include the diplomatic chart and many house and optional rules. Another option is making the tech chart a bit smaller

    In fact, with the suggested changes, I think that you could have easily from 5 to 10 optionals/house rules/diplomatic boxes and keep a small movilization zone and 2-3 spots for fleet gathering. There is much room in bottom area

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