In the global game, as far as the UK is concerned your really playing two separate powers that take their turns together and have the same color units.
On the Euro side you have 3 starting IC’s
- England (London) Major IC-capital (I’m assuming AB & NB)
- Quebec-Minor IC, (also has an AB & NB confirmed)
- South Africa- Minor IC (Larry didn’t mention bases)
All ipc’s generated from UK tt on the Euro map are awarded to England (capital) to use at any of her 3 Euro IC’s. Lose England (capital) lose only the ipc’s stored in England (London) to the enemy (you keep India’s ipc’s). Of course non of the UK tt on the Euro map will generate ipc’s until London England is liberated.
Pacific side
4) India (Calcutta)-Major IC-(should keep its AB & NB).
Is considered the capital of the UK Pacific Command. All ipc’s generated from tt on the Pacific map are spent in India. If India is captured you hand over the ipc’s stored there to the axis. If India is lost, none of the UK tt on the Pac map generate ipc’s until India is liberated. If you thought you could evacuate India if Jap was coming hard, think again.
It would be my guess that if you build another IC on the Pac map (say Kwangtung), the money would have to come from India along with the money for those future units. If you lose India you won’t be able to build in this new complex.