Things that go "bump" in the night.

  • On an old forum I used to visit there was a large post where everyone shared all of their scary experiences they’ve had with anything unusual. I thought it might do good on here. Anybody seen a 7’ tall man in a suit go running by? :wink:

  • Once my sister and I were dropped off at night to my house. We go to the front door, its locked. My sister goes around the house to get the key from the back. Just as she rounds a corner, a Skunk appears just a few feet away from me in a bush. I froze in place. My sister decided to go to the bathroom before letting me in the house! I was scared as hell. Luckily the Skunk didn’t spray me.

  • lol.A skunk is about the most dangerous animal we got where I live.

  • come on guys, someone has to have something to tell

  • I’d definetely have to say being a kid in a heavy gas mask during the Gulf War, listening to the radio for scud warnings. The alarms would go off, it was really scary. And then once the whole house shook and we heard the high-pitched sounds of a scud pass by. It struck in the distance and my dad went to the window to see what it hit. I had never been so scared in my life. War is not glorious. It’s a blood bath.

  • ok i was visiting my aunt’s (Chris) and uncle’s (Joe) house one day. IT was like 7:00 when Christ and Joe remeber that a comdey show staring my mom and dad’s fav. comdey person. So they were going to leave. But my little sis was worry b/c there a was a server thunder strom coming and she wanted mom to stay. a few minutes later we talk my little sis into leting my mom go to the comdey show. BIG MISTAKE!!!. They finally left and it was 8:00 p.m. and it was dark b/c it was winter. So both little and big sis, me, and Bonnie the dog was left home. Then came that thunder strom i said. it was almost 9 when it hit and this strom felt like a tornado creating strom. Fast winds and a lot of lighting and rain. My little sis strated to worry then like 10 minutes later the lights went off!!!11 mY little sis went CRAZY!!! Bonnie the dog was doing 500 around a chair barking like crazy. Bad thing was it was my aunt’s house so my big sis and me didn’t knwo where the candles were.Also the flashlights didn’t work So little sis crying, dog going crazy and we can’t find candles or working flashlights. CHAOS!!! Now it felt like a hour has past and the strom was lifting. So Big sis,little sis, bonnie, and me hurry to teh nieghor’s hosue where we stayed until the lights went back on. We went into the aunt’s hosue is it was close to 11.Then we jsut went back to watching t.v. We had a the worst time staying at home, while my parents and Christ and Joe had the best time listen to teh comdist :evil: :roll:

  • good stories. EmuGod, are you an Israeli?

  • I don’t mean to sound like a spook, but check this story out for unusual.

  • Yes, I am. My parents served in the Isreali Defence Forces. My dad was in the Mossad, Israeli Intelligence, which really fascinates me.

  • That is neat. I feel sorry for Israelis in some ways. I feel that they have suffered alot with most of the world just turning it’s head.

  • It’s typical Anti-semitism. Jews have been suffering from it for thousands of years, it doesn’t go away that easily.

  • Jews are on the top of society. Don’t complain, there are 10x more laws protecting a Jew than protect me. What ever happened to equal rights? Affirmative action type laws/Organizations have ruined my rights.

  • @EmuGod:

    It’s typical Anti-semitism. Jews have been suffering from it for thousands of years, it doesn’t go away that easily.

    No offence here, but give me a break!

    There are people suffering all over the world from all sorts of atrocities.
    Why is there always a foucs on Isarel?

    The problems in Isarel warrents no more attention than iusses in Africa or Tibet.

    I mean, come on……the poor poor Jews, pleeeease.

  • @Mr:


    It’s typical Anti-semitism. Jews have been suffering from it for thousands of years, it doesn’t go away that easily.

    No offence here, but give me a break!

    There are people suffering all over the world from all sorts of atrocities.
    Why is there always a foucs on Isarel?

    The problems in Isarel warrents no more attention than iusses in Africa or Tibet.

    I mean, come on……the poor poor Jews, pleeeease.

    Firstly, the focus on Israel is a negative one and the problems of Israel do warrant more attention than issues in Africa or Tibet for one major reason. Despite the horrible atrocities in these places, no one has their heart set out on wiping out the Tibetans or the Africans. But there is a huge feeling of anti-semitism toward the Jews and even today, the Jews are under the threat of genocide that none of the peoples you mentioned are.

  • @EmuGod:



    It’s typical Anti-semitism. Jews have been suffering from it for thousands of years, it doesn’t go away that easily.

    No offence here, but give me a break!

    There are people suffering all over the world from all sorts of atrocities.
    Why is there always a foucs on Isarel?

    The problems in Isarel warrents no more attention than iusses in Africa or Tibet.

    I mean, come on……the poor poor Jews, pleeeease.

    Firstly, the focus on Israel is a negative one and the problems of Israel do warrant more attention than issues in Africa or Tibet for one major reason. Despite the horrible atrocities in these places, no one has their heart set out on wiping out the Tibetans or the Africans. But there is a huge feeling of anti-semitism toward the Jews and even today, the Jews are under the threat of genocide that none of the peoples you mentioned are.

    As a Mennonite, i find the history of the Jews fascinating (i think my sister is looking to become a “Christian Jew” - don’t ask). Although our history of Persecution is shorter and based more on faith than race, i can certainly sympathize with the Jewish plight - continually chased from one country to another with no place to call home . . . government/church leaders’ persecution (and attempted genocide).
    Of course the Jews are a powerful people, however. Israel is in a position to kick just about any 1-2 countries’ in the middle easts asses. And they have throughout history set themselves apart by unmatched performences in the sporting, artistic, scientific and philosophical fields (love that Martin Buber (sp) guy), having attained high govenment positions all over the show. Plus they have (finally/now) powerful allies in the west.
    So yeah Ghoul, you’re right - there is a lot of suffering all over the world. Much of it is due to a misfortune in geography and/or time, but its not so often that these other people are targetted quite so much as the Jews have been historically (and even today as was previously pointed out, in various offensive websites and klan meetings etc.). Does this mean that they should have extra/special rights? Of course not. At the same time, i think that we should be a little more sensitive to what is going on in the world with regards to anti-semitism, as well as other racial attacks (see: Gypsies, Mennonites - less in Canada these days - Arabs, etc.).

  • Israel isn’t all innocent and cheerful. We just don’t see the images of Palestinians being shot by Israeli Tanks. Israel keeps a tight rope on it’s Media.

  • @EmuGod:



    It’s typical Anti-semitism. Jews have been suffering from it for thousands of years, it doesn’t go away that easily.

    No offence here, but give me a break!

    There are people suffering all over the world from all sorts of atrocities.
    Why is there always a foucs on Isarel?

    The problems in Isarel warrents no more attention than iusses in Africa or Tibet.

    I mean, come on……the poor poor Jews, pleeeease.

    Firstly, the focus on Israel is a negative one and the problems of Israel do warrant more attention than issues in Africa or Tibet for one major reason. Despite the horrible atrocities in these places, no one has their heart set out on wiping out the Tibetans or the Africans. But there is a huge feeling of anti-semitism toward the Jews and even today, the Jews are under the threat of genocide that none of the peoples you mentioned are.

    No, your wrong the situation does not deserve more attention than other world iusses.

    Claiming that it does perpetuates the problems there further.

  • Hmm, no one seems to have commented on the link I posted.

  • @Yanny:

    Israel isn’t all innocent and cheerful. We just don’t see the images of Palestinians being shot by Israeli Tanks. Israel keeps a tight rope on it’s Media.

    You mean you want the already Pro-Palestinian media to show thigns tha haven’t happened? A reporter on CNN already made an anti-Israel comment. Lots of the footage CNN shows is wrong, such as the man entering his house at gun point, where he claimed he was being used as a human shield. To believe this pro-Palestinian propoganda makes you very gullible, IMO. The man being showed as a “human shield” said that the IDF took the birds in his pet shop, cut off their heads and put them back in their cages. How can yo ubelieve this man? He obviously has problems if he’s claiming that a professional defence force on a mission to root out terrorists has nothing better to do than to neatly take out the brids in his pet shop, neatly chop off their heads and neatly put them back in their cages. Such things do not happen in war zones.

    As for Israeli media, I can clearly tell you have no idea what you’re tlaking about. In the Israeli media, there are fierce arguements between left and right wing Israelis on the subject and they each try to come up with solutions to the problem. Many of the things you see in hte media showing “Israel’s aggression” are far from accurate. They are creations of the media in an attempt to lure you to their side, in the case of stations such as CNN and the BBC, the Palestinian side. The media is very biased against Israel. Look at Time Magazine for example. There was one called “All Boxed in” with a picture of Arafat on the cover. It made him look like an innocent sheep, which he is far frm being, innocent that is. THey had an articlewhere they “showed” how both sides mourn. It was a fold out page. Talk abut propoganda, the picture of the Palestinians boy walking up blood drenched stairs took up more than 3 quarters of the page while the Israeli father grieving for his son who died in a suicide bombing took up a very samll portion of the page. This is in order to draw you to the Palestinian boy and to his cause.

    And you want MORE of this pro-Palestinian propoganda? If you honestly believe that the media is “unbiased” right now, then you are exactly where it wants you to be.

  • Oh, you want to talk Media? The American Media is severely shifted toward Israel. Ever read those little tickers at the bottom of the screen? I don’t see Palestinian death counts there.

    Let me tell you how the Israel media gets all it’s footage from the front lines. First, they get set up with a squad to follow. They do their military thing, the cameras capture it all. However, before the film can be brought to the studio, it must be censored by the Israel military. I’ll let you guess what they censor out.

    And you know something, it’s entirely the US’s fault. We should never of given such an irresponsible state weapons like that. Thats the reason your there. Ak-47s and RPGs can’t stand up against F-16s and tanks. The reasons we got involved in this are those weapons. If we didn’t give them the largest aid package of any country, we wouldn’t have this terrorist problem.

    You talk of anti-semitism. It doesn’t have much to do with Religion. The two opposing groups just happen to be of conflicting religions. If Christrians had done the same thing in the 1940s, the same result would of happened.

    Heres an analogy I once gave my teacher 3 years ago on how I felt. You just came back from a year away from school (don’t ask me where you were). You look for a place to sit down for lunch. Your usual table has been taken over by a group of people you hate. But you still want that seat. Do you get your seat back? Israel pushed Palestine out of the seat so it could get back in.

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