• That is why you need the full strength of Japanese Imperial navy to back it up. Also the problem with South Africa is that you can’t threaten Atlantic Waters immediately as Brazil and give the Allies an opportunity to build up.

  • You do realise Brazil is on the exact opposite side of the board as Japan? Until you capture Brazil, Build an IC, and finally build something there, you are exposed. Thats 3 turns.

  • And to get a Japanese transport from Japan to South Africa it takes 4 turns. So what is your point?

  • 3 turns, 1 to Capture, 1 to Build IC, 1 to Build ships. The Difference? South Africa is 4 spaces way from the US, Brazil is 2.

  • So what you are saying is that it’ll take 8 turns before I can even engage the American-UK fleet from South Africa with newly built units. I think that the game should be drawing to a conclusion by then. Also, are you telling Germany not to take South Africa in 4 turns? It seems like a waste of IPCs not to do so.

  • Yanny: “South Africa is 4 spaces way from the US, Brazil is 2.”

    An IC in South Africa sucks. Even when you build the ships, it gives the US ample time to prepare its defenses and still attack into Europe. A Brazil IC, being that it is so close to the US and to the war in the Atlantic, forces the Americans to attack it as soon as possible or they will face some stiff comepetition in the Atlantic.

  • Yes, but I can hold the South African IC for a long period of time, I can hold Brazil for 2 or 3 turns. And, a South African IC doubles to help Germany hold Africa.

  • Does it matter if the US takes Brazil? They really gain little advantage from an IC there, and any sea forces built (say 3 subs)would still be alive after Brazil falls. If building an IC in Brazil can add even 3 subs to the remnants of the Japanese fleet (A Battleship or two, maybe a carrier) you have a strong force to guard Africa or wreak havoc on the US waters. And this force is able to strike much sooner (and with more units) than a force from South Africa. I’m not saying an IC in Brazil is always a good idea, but I think it’s a strong placement and occurs enough to be worth mentioning. Besides, it’s fun and just looks neat.

  • By the time you secure South Africa, an A&A game is reaching its climatic point. It doesn’t matter how long you hold South Africa, it is what you can do from there to change the course in the war. So what you can hold South Africa two maybe three times as long as Brazil, but you can be more of a nuisance to the US in Brazil than in South Africa. And the whole point of the IC in the first place is to distract and hinder the US from Germany. An IC in Brazil can do much much better.

  • “By the time you secure South Africa, an A&A game is reaching its climatic point.”

    Listen to what the Candyman says. You’re planning too far ahead of the future when it’s already mid game. What you need to know is that if you’re looking for long term, the Allies can outpace you through IPC count. Axis and Allies is a game of numbers and in more ways than one. You have to factor in number of IPCs, number of turns, number of units, number of percentages, and many other “numbers.” When I see an IC in Brazil or South Africa, three numbers: number of IPCs, number of turns, and number of units. And at all three, I see faults.

    If I were a younger man, I would write a history of human stupidity; and I would lie down on my back with my history for a pillow; and I would make a statue of myself, lying on my back, grinning horribly, thumbing my nose at You Know Who. - Bokonon

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-06-02 13:26 ]

  • I am a very experienced player, and I have NO IDEA how the Axis are supposed to win when playing against other experienced players.

    Any ideas?

  • It’s a tough one, and the only way you can see this happening is with RR and probably bidding. But overall the game boils down to 4 main points.

    1. How long the Germs can hold Africa
    2. How long the Germs can hold EE
    3. How well the Allies can do in WE
    4. How well Japan does in Asia

  • Anything’s possible….however how improbable it may seem. If you really want to see the Axis win, I recommend you play the computer game version. As Japan in it, I was playing World Domination and captured all of Russia, most of Africe, South america the United States and left ony Gibraltar and United Kingdom as Allied territories.

  • Dude, the Axis can win quite frequently! Somebody said somehting about the ‘optional rule’ of the 84 IPC victory. If you read the rules, you’ll see that this is NOT an Optional Rule. That’s standard game play. And the Axis can achieve that almost everytime. You want a strategy? Try this:

    As Germany, you destroy every boat in the water that you can reach on the 1st round. Buy a fighter as often as you can. And you must ABOVE ALL ELSE take and hold the African continent. It’s worth 9 IPCs a round, but better than that: that’s 9 IPCs UK doesn’t have. Gradually build forces, infantry in front, Armor in the rear, as you advance on Karelia. Your Luftwaffe (air force) should be supplemented by a bomber every so often. And you use those Bombers every round on the UK. No money for them means less pressure on you as Germany. As you steadily advace on Karelia, the Russians will throw what they can at you. It’s a slug fest, back and forth over most of Eastern Europe. Always is. But ALWAYS defend Normandy against a US invasion. Having fighters within reach of ships too close is a good deterrent.

    As Japan, your goal is to take Asia! Do NOT fight the USA in the Pacific. If the USA fights you in the Pacific, they aren’t helping UK which helps the Axis win even faster. You will see any invasion coming a long ways off. The only thing to fear form the Americans is the ‘Island Hopping’ that they could do. Always nice for Japan to win the crucial 1st fight in Pearl Harbor. It wins you nothing (don’t worry with the land, just kill the Pacific fleet), but ends the threat of Island Hopping to Tokyo for the time being. You must eradicate all the forces in India, China, and the Soviet Far East. Do so quickly, because 2nd round you want to buy an IC and plant it in India, INdo-China, or Manchuria. If you feel you should wait, then do, but only 1 round. Buy tanks to be produced from your newly purchased IC and gradually take over ever territory between Tokyo and Moscow! Japan can so quickly advance up the IPC that it’s almost impossible to stop. Remeber, those tanks can blitz, and a lot of those Russian territories are worth 2!

    By doing this, Japan closes in on Russian so fast that they have to defend their capital. Meanwhile, Germany squeezes them from Karelia. Shortly, Russian has no money and it’s only a matter of time before they fall. Once Moscow has fallen, Germany and Japan must now concentrate and QUICKLY to eliminate the UK. Strategic Bombing the blue-blazes out of the Brits! No money and gradually invade. If Japan is lucky, they take Karelia giving them a fine port to build boats from. Keep them out of the money and you’ll win in short order.

    Remember: only 2 Alllied capitals must fall for an Axis victory! :lol:

    Hope this helps!

  • THe main problem is not with Japan but with Germany. Even with Uk’s income cut in half, it can still supply a sizeable task force to Russia. Same goes with USA, which can trick you at Western Europe and instead land in Karelia to help the Russians out. This provides and almost impossible breakout for the German forces. Also by buying a ftr or bomber every turn, you run the risk of a lack of inf that can successfully hold off a Eastern Offensive.

  • I know what you are talking about. But I’m not in the same situation as you. I played only 10 or 12 times at Axis and Allies and the ALLIES won only one time! The person who chose the Axis attacked the UK navy with all the German planes and the submarines. The attacker has to be lucky but when the UK navy is down, UK is down… So if USA wants to recapture London, Germany takes infantry and just go on Eastern Europe. The victory is made in 2-3 rounds. Germany can attack Russia, but it’s too expensive…

  • I don’t know, exactly what is you play move for taking England. The Axis can have a good shot at winning with RR and a small bid, but I don’t think a UK invasion is the way to go.

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