Craziest rolls you've seen in AAP40?

  • Mine happened last night when playing with a couple friends. I’m the Japanese, and at this time things were going pretty damn well for me.  It was J4, and I had a strong foothold in the Pacific, including (but not limited to) all of the DEI except Java, Philippines, etc. I was setting up in Carolines for an amphibious assault on either Hawaii or NSW on my next turn. The situation in Asia was favorable, with China doing everything she could to stack Yunnan, and a beat-back Britain was doing whatever she could to help China. I had minor IC’s in FIC and Shanghai pumping a handful of infantry into Asia every turn, to act as fodder for my still-massive airforce.

    I landed large number of my air units in a temporarily-empty FIC – 3 heavy bombers, 2 tac bombers, 2 fighters, as I had use them in an attack to completely obliterate the remains of the British Navy (1 BB, 1 CA, 1 DD, 1 CV, 1 SS, 1 AK).

    On UK’s turn, my friend decided to fly over an infantry-stacked Shan State for a suicide attack with his remaining British aircraft – 1 fighter and 2 tactical bombers – Against my massive FIC airforce.

    Without making this overly lengthy and going into detail about each dice roll, he rolled nothing but 2’s and 3’s, and obliterated my entire FIC air force, with me only scoring one single hit – In three rounds of battle.

    I’ve never seen anything like it. He traded 1 tac bomber (11 IPCs worth of units) for 3 heavy bombers, 2 tac bombers, and 2 fighters (78 IPC’s worth of units). Checked it out later in TripleA’s battle calculator, and the defender is given a 100% chance of victory in that particular battle.  :lol:

    We’ll be finishing the game tonight. Japan is currently trying to rebound and build up a large enough force in Asia to take India before a massive American fleet sitting off the coast of San Fran recaptures Hawaii (I currently have a defending fleet of 3 CV’s, 3 fighters, 2 tac bombers, 1 BB, and 1 SS) and begins a march through the Pacific. Gonna be interesting to see how it plays out.

    What are some of your stories?

  • Get over it. It happens to everyone sooner or later.

  • That should teach you a lesson: Never leave your expansive units alone without protection/fodder.

  • @Razor:

    That should teach you a lesson: Never leave your expansive units alone without protection/fodder.

    I agree with Razor. This is good advice.

  • @Brain:

    Get over it. It happens to everyone sooner or later.

    This kind of crap never happens to me, and you know why ?
    Let me tell you why. I never leave my expansive units alone without protection/fodder. I am a rational player. My brain still function.

  • I just meant that everyone gets bad rolls sooner or later, and sometimes they are so bad that even the fodder does not help.

  • @Razor:

    That should teach you a lesson: Never leave your expansive units alone without protection/fodder.

    It’s very, very rare when I do, but given the circumstances I figured it would be allowable to for one turn. With the way the board looked, I could’ve sworn he would’ve used the aircraft in a counter-attack on Shan State which I had just taken. Instead he let me keep Shan State, and went for a suicide attack against my aircraft.

    Even the other allied players were trying to talk him out of it!   :roll:

    But hell, I would’ve gladly traded all three of my heavy bombers to finish off the RAF which he’d never be able to afford to re-build. You’d think that with 2 tac bombers and 2 fighters, I’d be able to get more than one hit in three rounds lmao.

  • 3 hits on 17 defending figs?
    but it doesn’t matter, happends all the time to everybody :-)

  • @Incline:


    That should teach you a lesson: Never leave your expansive units alone without protection/fodder.

    It’s very, very rare when I do, but given the circumstances I figured it would be allowable to for one turn. With the way the board looked, I could’ve sworn he would’ve used the aircraft in a counter-attack on Shan State which I had just taken. Instead he let me keep Shan State, and went for a suicide attack against my aircraft.

    Even the other allied players were trying to talk him out of it!   :roll:

    But hell, I would’ve gladly traded all three of my heavy bombers to finish off the RAF which he’d never be able to afford to re-build. You’d think that with 2 tac bombers and 2 fighters, I’d be able to get more than one hit in three rounds lmao.

    An infantry-less plane depot is a neon lit sweet spot for a tactical strike. Uncommon or not, seeing the opportunity no doubt encouraged your opponent.

  • @Razor:

    That should teach you a lesson: Never leave your expansive units alone without protection/fodder.

    I disagree with Razor. If those three UK planes are all that can hit your planes, you should do the exact same thing again. His attack was a bad move, try to get him to make it again.

  • The guy just got lucky.

  • I said the guy just got lucky with those rolls.

  • i had 4 battlehips…3 tac bombers and 3 fighters attacking…all fives and sixes…not 1 hit

    hey it happens

  • @RJL518:

    i had 4 battlehips…3 tac bombers and 3 fighters attacking…all fives and sixes…not 1 hit

    hey it happens

    The only way to avoid this is to play another game like Chess

  • I got multiple 50x errors trying to make that post

  • Actually, assuming this was the only way he could get to your aircraft (he didn’t have a better way to do this, right?), you did a good thing by giving him the temptation to mess up.  I would have to check the stats myself, but he definately had the worst of it, and still came out smelling like a rose.  It would be like an opponent knowing you had 4-of-a-kind and drawing to an inside straight-flush on the turn and river after putting himself all-in and taking your stack.  You might lose your stack, but you want to keep playing that idiot cause you’re gonna get it all back another night.

    Mine does not compare quite to yours, but here it is anyway.

    UK has occupied Yunnan on UK4 or 5 with 13 infantry, 3 artillery, 1 AA gun and 2 tanks.  Japan can attack on J5 (or 6) with 8 infantry, 3 artillery, 4 fighters, 3 TACs and 4 bombers.  On the UK first roll, when checking for hits @2, they scored 11 hits out of 16 dice.  They also scored another hit with the AA gun on a fighter and a bomber.  Regardless of what Japan did, they were down to 3 fighters, 3 TACs and 3 bombers.  Japan did score 8 hits, and had to withdraw before round 2.  This left Japan with only 5 ground units in Asia.  Japan was broken since they were not going to finish the job with India anytime soon and the rest of the war was “only going well” for the Japanese, nothing spectacular.  The plan was to wear the UK stack down and reinforce Szechwan with the withdraw, but they didn’t expect to lose 11 ground units.

  • I was playing as Japan and all was well in the South Pacific. I had 1 battleship and a carrier loaded with 2 fighters in the seazone that surrounds the Solomon islands. 4 brave ANZAC fighter took me on and won!!! with only 2 casualties :-o

  • So they had 4@3 against your 3@4 & 1@2.  Unless you had several escort ships you didn’t mention, that doesn’t sound too radical.  One thing you should notice; you get much bigger swings with small battles using few pieces, than with large battles using many pieces.

    Still, I’d love to be the ANZAC player and come out of that one alive.  That must have stalled your Coral Sea campaign for a bit.

  • All my escorts were blown up in the previous battle against the U.S. ANZAC just came in to pick on the left overs. The battleship was not damaged either. And ya, so much for harrasing ANZAC the next turn.

  • I figured that was what happened.  This scenario is why I have trouble as Japan pulling the trigger on assualts that should work, but could also go very wrong.  I probably play too timid because of it.

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