Re: Imperial borders
With this game being released next year I was wondering if HBG would be doing pieces for each country. I would be very interested. Thanks
There is even a deluxe version.
and hey who hasn’t had some wood for some sheep?
and hey who hasn’t had some wood for some sheep?
We can make them from that ram’s wood you got.
The man has a point…
“Awww, look at all the cute little houses. Which ones do I get?”
'Nuff said…
Good point guys.
I´ve never played the board version, but downloaded Settlers for iPhone. Man, have I been playing that game alot. I can imagine it´s more fun “live”. Perhaps kids can play too? My daughter is 7. Too young?
I have played it online too, and yes it is much better live. Part of the experience is seeing that big of a board in front of you. Plus having real faces to match to opponents is engaging.
7 might be a bit young. There is a settlers of catan board game for younger audiences to get them used to the ideas put forth in catan. I’ve never played it but it’s an idea. I’ve heard it’s good…
Just played tonight for the first time, it is a fun game. Thanks for the previous advice.
I’m sold on it. It shall be my next board game purchase.
Additional “advantage” of Catan is the competition isn’t 100% in your face, so it appeals to a broader range of groups.
And I’ve never met a lady that doesn’t like it, no matter the age.
Possibly those two points are related… either way it’s a handy addition in the arsenal. 8-)
I just bought this yesterday with the hopes that my wife will play with my 2 sons and I since she won’t look at any WWII games that I have. I have Axis and Allies, Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear, Memoir 44, Tide of Iron and the first 2 ASL Starter Kits. This game looks like it could cause people to get real nasty with the robber and playing the Knight card with the ability to steal a resource card. I can’t wait to play it. It is all set up and ready to go and now just waiting for my 2nd son to get home from school so we can try and play a 3 player game to learn the gameplay.
Settlers is a good family game. I think your wife may like it.
Settlers is a good family game. I think your wife may like it.
I got about twenty Catan matched under my belt, the game rocks. It’s our favorite game.
My oldest son and I played a 2 player game tonight using the 2 player rules from Traders and Barbarians expansion. It can get intense at times which is a good thing. He said he didn’t want to play again because he lost and because he didn’t like it. Then right before he went to bed he asked me to get the board set up again so we can play tomorrow after school. I am going to try and get my youngest son to join us for a 3 player game which I think will make for a better game. I did mess up one rule, the distance rule, but figured our first time through it mistakes will be made. I will remember it for the next game. So far after the first game I am liking it and thinking of which expansion to get next. Any suggestions?
I haven’t played using the expansions yet. I think a lot of people use the Knights of Catan expansion.
I haven’t played using the expansions yet. I think a lot of people use the Knights of Catan expansion.
Cities and Knights?
I found a set of rules for Super Catan at BGG:
This looks like it would be a good way to tie in the 3 big expansions with the base game.
Cities and Knights?
Yeah, that must be it.
My wife played this with me and my oldest son tonight. After the game was over she said she was trying to figure out what she was supposed to do then about the third turn she knew what to do and had a good time with it. My son ended up winning this time so he is back to being happy and wanting to play again. This was me and my 13 year olds 3rd game and 1st as a 3 player. It can get real frustrating when dice rolls don’t produce any resources for the person rolling the dice. One thing that I forgot was when rolling a 7 and activating the robber we did not reduce the number of resource cards in half before stealing one from another player. My son and wife had handfuls of cards and I think that had I remembered the complete robber rule things might have ended differently. I think that the first expansion that I get will be Seafarers. Then on to Cities and Knights and then Traders and Barbarians. My 11 year old still thinks it looks complicated and won’t try it but his mom told him that if she can pick it up then he can too. I told him it is a lot easier to learn than AA but about the same difficulty as Memoir 44, which he has played both. I hope he changes his mind and decides to play. I could get a 3 player game in almost every day starting next week if he decides to learn it. All in all the base Settlers of Catan is a great game and I am really enjoying it. Could this game finally tip the scale in my decision to sell more of my Axis and Allies games that I do not play?
We got a 4 player game in tonight. A lot harder to play with 4. Less space to build on. I won finally by building the longest road and getting the final 2 points needed for 10 victory points. My youngest son played finally. I had him watch the Dice Tower review by Tom Vassal and since his mom played again he decided to join us. I don’t think he really understood that he has to branch out with roads and build settlements and cities because he kept buying development cards and did end up getting some victory points through those and also by getting the largest army card. I definitely can’t wait to get an expansion for Settlers of Catan and add some variety to it.
Oh, and my wife actually talked to people at work about Settlers of Catan. She must have liked it more than she told me. :)
Whenever a player’s roads are all one the board is road building finished? I had a two link gap from closing one-third of the board up, I ran out of road links.
Whenever a player’s roads are all one the board is road building finished? I had a two link gap from closing one-third of the board up, I ran out of road links.
The rule book says you start with 15 road pieces, no more and no less. So if you have all of your road pieces on the board then you cannot build any more roads. I have not run out of road pieces yet before the game was over. I have played about 7 games so far between 2, 3 and 4 player games in the less than a week that I have had this game. I bought it to try and get my wife to play a game with me and the boys, something other than the big box store games like UNO, poker, Monopoly, Life, etc. and she has not turned down a game of Settlers of Catan after she played the first time. I might not be getting any Axis and Allies, Conflict of Heroes, Tide of Iron, Memoir 44 with it’s expansions or ASL Starter Kit games to the table any more. My oldest son says that he likes Catan better than my WWII based games and thinks that we need to get the expansion Cities and Knights for Catan. Looks like I might have some WWII based games to sell to feed the Catan monster that I have started at my house and I don’t know how I feel about that. I like that all of us are playing but I also like my WWII games.
Whenever a player’s roads are all one the board is road building finished? I had a two link gap from closing one-third of the board up, I ran out of road links.
The rule book says you start with 15 road pieces, no more and no less. So if you have all of your road pieces on the board then you cannot build any more roads. I have not run out of road pieces yet before the game was over. I have played about 7 games so far between 2, 3 and 4 player games in the less than a week that I have had this game. I bought it to try and get my wife to play a game with me and the boys, something other than the big box store games like UNO, poker, Monopoly, Life, etc. and she has not turned down a game of Settlers of Catan after she played the first time. I might not be getting any Axis and Allies, Conflict of Heroes, Tide of Iron, Memoir 44 with it’s expansions or ASL Starter Kit games to the table any more. My oldest son says that he likes Catan better than my WWII based games and thinks that we need to get the expansion Cities and Knights for Catan. Looks like I might have some WWII based games to sell to feed the Catan monster that I have started at my house and I don’t know how I feel about that. I like that all of us are playing but I also like my WWII games.
My wife enjoys playing Catan also.
Ok, I have purchased the 5-6 play expansion for Catan. What further upgrades do you guys suggest?