- On turn two kill any boats which block the path of the two fleets to sea zone 7 with planes and minimal boats. This will allow your fleets to converge at 7 in the non-combat phase. Leaving you with a massive fleet of 2Bats/1Car/2Fight/1des/+1-3 subs, use this fleet and the land planes to waste any transports that are built. It should take the allies three hopefully four turns before they can get rid of your fleet and start buying transport materials.
UK turn 1 buys 1 AC and 1 DD, moves the Indian fleet to the Med. UK deploys the AC on SZ 7 (joining the 2 TRNs and the BB) and the DD on SZ6.
US turn 1 moves 1 ship to SZ 12, if the SUB from SZ8 moved to the Gibraltar attack move the US DD to SZ12. If it moved elsewhere sink it with UK/US planes.
R turn 2 moves 1 SUB to SZ 7.
Now both G fleets can’t converge on SZ 7 during NCM. The Allied fleet is 1 BB, 1 AC, 2 FTRs, 2 TRN and 1 SUB. G can attack SZ7 with 5 FTRs and 1 BMR, odds are 80% for Allied ships left after combat. G’s Med fleet is gone on UK2 and the Baltic fleet won’t last long.
You prevent the fleet combine but London is in jeopardy unless the Americans sacrifice a transport to reinforce it, or the Soviets can lend a fighter, or if Ukraine was taken R1. The UK will have 2 inf, 1 art, 2 tanks, 1 fighter, 1-2 bombers(I like my bomber going to Caucuses UK1 for instance). The original poster has all planes in range of the UK.
inf, tank, 6 fig, bomber vs 2 inf, 1 art, 1 tank, 1 fighter, 2 bombers is a 66% win for Germany even with the Allies losing bombers first
In situations where the threat to London is minimal, this is a good counter.