Krieghund- Help!
We just played our first few games of AAP40 a few days ago.
If Japan attacks the Allies before the US is in the war, and the Western US goes from 10 IPCs to 50 IPCs, does the US IPC level automatically go up 40 IPCs at the time of the Japanese attack? This would mean that the extra 40IPCs would be available that turn for the US to buy stuff with.
Or is the case just that the Western US goes to 50 IPCs, and the US then collects this extra income at the end of its next turn during the collect income phase?
Do Allied powers not yet at war with Japan still collect the bonus income for their national objectives?
We had a situation where there were just 4 Japanese fighters on the Caroline Islands, and no other Japanese pieces. The Americans sent in surface warships and transports to invade. Also, some US air units were sent to the sea zone to attack should some (or all) of the Japanese fighters come out to the sea zone to defend, while other US air units were sent to the island itself to participate in the invasion. As it turned out, all of the Japanese fighters stayed on the island, leaving the surrounding sea zone empty, and thus the US air units sent there (and the surface warships) had no combat to conduct.
Seeing as how the US air units that were sent to the surrounding sea zone wound up with nothing to attack, and it was the combat movement portion, shouldn’t the defender have to declair the intention of air units on an airbase to remain on the island portion, or to defend the surrounding sea zone?
Also, had the Japanese fighters come out into the sea zone to defend, some of the attacking US planes sent there were bombers. That would have meant that bombers would have been attacking defending fighters in a sea zone. I can see bombers attacking fighters in a land zone, as it would be like the bombers were bombing the fighters bases, but in a sea zone? (with an airbase, of course)
Also, for the ANZAC national objective concerning the occupation of originally owned Japanese territories or islands, must this be done by ANZAC forces? Or is it like AA50, where it could be by any Allied force?
Also, this bonus gets paid out just one time per game, and not every turn the said territory is held?