You should make one, I don’t have a 1940 copy but have friends who do and would love to have one. Still I always like to put in a Bismark no matter what time period, just to stress Britian because they have vast, if thin superiority in the Atlantic ocan.
Custom Setups
Hey, dos anyone have an AAA Global custom setup? Maybe a 1941 or 1942? That would be great. :lol:
Didnt someone ask this yesterday. I think they got both of them on Larry Harriss site. You can also ask on house rules forum. (Did I write that Larry Harriss thing right?)
This is a 1941 setup I made a while back.
It should still be pretty competitive.
Is it under the House Rule Form or Global? :?
Never mind. :-D
Its at Harris Game Design, Larry Harris’ website.
It’s also on here somewhere, but I didn’t want to repost it.