[G40] Hengst's Free France & Simple Vichy France
Howdy folks. I’ve got a series of simple house rules that add a little bit of historicity & complexity to the game’s political situation without requiring new pieces, trackers, loads of exceptions & things to remember, etc. They’re intended to each be a module drop-in addition to a set of rules. I’ve playtested these roughly 3-5 times each & am looking for additional feedback. I make no claims to uniqueness or creativity–these were constructed with LOTS of taking from the community & as such, I’m offering them back to the community.
This one’s a dime a dozen–it’s just yet another Free/Vichy rule. Anyways, here’s Free France:
Rules have been superseded, please scroll down!
EDIT 27 OCT 22: simplified income rules* While Paris has fallen, the French player may still collect income and place units.
* The French player may only purchase Inf, Arty, and MInf; these units may be placed on any originally-French territory with no enemy land units on it (French Rebellion Rules).
* Exception: the French player may also place units in London.
* Revert to normal placement & procurement rules if Paris is liberated.EDIT 27 OCT 22: vichy is no longer pro-axis, just statically defending: more balanced but sadly no Nazi Richelieu in games any more…and Simple Vichy France:
* The Vichy Treaty occurs if, at the beginning of the French turn, the Axis control any two of:
* France
* Normandy
* S. France
* The Vichy treaty may only occur once.
* If an Allied unit is present in a territory or seazone with a French unit, it becomes a Free French unit and continues to be controlled by the French player.
* All other French units become Vichy and are no longer under the control of the French player. Mark these units as Vichy by placing an inverted roundel underneath them. Vichy units are hostile to all Allies, including the Free French.
* Note: The Free French do not collect income from French territories with Vichy units on them, nor may they place units on these territories.
* If an Axis unit non-combat-moves into a territory containing a Vichy unit, it becomes an Axis territory. The Vichy unit remains as a static defender against Allied attacks.
* Note: This still counts as an invasion for all other purposes (e.g. Japanese NBs, war with the Western Allies).
* If Paris is liberated by the Allies, all remaining Vichy units immediately become Free French.
* If they are in a territory or sea zone with no Axis units, they return to the control of the French player.
* Otherwise, immediately remove them from the board.It should be apparent that this rule is written for playability, not straight historicity. As far as we’re concerned, Vichy France is indistinguishable from whichever Axis power noncoms into their territories.What does this do for balance? Makes it way harder for the Allies. The UK has to scramble to position themselves to get any Free French support before that F1 turn turns everybody permanently pro-Axis. Note again that these are units they’d usually get for free. Is this fun? Yes. Is it balanced? Hell no. It really limits their ability to counterattack on UK1 & especially makes it hard to figure out how to punish Italy on that first turn. Here’s what I’ve found helps to balance it out:
* +1 BB +1 TR in SZ 105
* +1 SS in SZ 88
* +1 Inf in French Guiana
* +1 Inf in French Indochina
* +1 UKE Inf in NigeriaThat battleship and transport in 105 make it that much more interesting & helpful if the UK can snag them on the first turn (and it’s an excuse to finally bust your HBG Richelieu sculpts out!). The French Guiana Inf & sub are typically ignored until Paris is liberated, as it’s far more useful to send the Gibraltar CA to go snag the S France fleet (or kill the Libya transport) instead. However, it’s a nice bonus if Italy breaks into the Atlantic, and combined with more sophisticated South American Neutrals rules can start some fun on that continent.North Africa’s a lot harder to take & overall Italy feels much less pressure. However, with proper moves to ensure Syria is Free French, the mech per turn in Egypt makes Cairo a lot harder to take, and means you’re more likely to see an invasion of the Levant before Italy turns its focus to Egypt.The FIC Inf is just for fun, best combined with making Siam pro-Axis.EDIT 27 OCT 22: swing is less now, need more playtestingOverall, I think it’s a big (15-20) swing in favor of the Axis. After it’s balanced out with the recommended changes, it can go either way. Definitely makes Africa more interesting. My group’s enjoyed it a lot; it makes the UK1 a much more complex turn & has produced some delightfully accurate early-war scrambles to alternately seize/destroy French fleets. I like it! -
Update 27 Oct 22: unplaytested rules based on player feedback. Added “French Rebellion” rule & reduced Vichy utility to the Axis (static defense rule).
@hengst Update 19 Dec 22. These rules replace those above.
A lot more testing & we have landed upon the following:
Simple Vichy France
- The Vichy Treaty occurs if, at the beginning of the French turn, the Axis control Paris. The Vichy treaty may only occur once.
- Allied Defection: If an Allied land unit, air unit, or surface warship is present in a territory or seazone with a French unit, it becomes a Free French unit and continues to be controlled by the French player.
- All other French units become Vichy and are no longer under the control of the French player. Mark these units as Vichy by placing an inverted roundel underneath them.
- Note: The Free French do not collect income from French territories with Vichy units on them, nor may they place units on these territories.
- Static Vichy Defenders: Vichy units do not move are not controlled by the Axis player. They are hostile to all Allies, including Free France, and remain as static defenders against Allied attacks.
However, Axis units may still non-combat-move into territories containing Vichy units, capturing the territory & collecting its income.- Note: This still counts as an invasion for all other purposes (e.g. Japanese NOs, war with the Western Allies), etc.
- Vichy Naval Seizure: If, at the end of an Axis nation’s non-combat movement, any of that nation’s land units ended adjacent to Vichy boats, those boats become those nation’s (swap the sculpts out).
- Collapse of the Vichy Government: If Paris is liberated by the Allies, all remaining Vichy units immediately become Free French.
- If they are in a territory or sea zone with Axis units, immediately remove them from the board.
- Otherwise, they return to the control of the French player.
Free France
- After Paris has fallen, the French player may still collect income and place units.
- French Rebellion: The French player may only purchase land & air units; these may be placed on any originally-French territory with no enemy units on it.
- Note: No more units may be placed in a territory than twice the PU value of that territory.
- French Liberation: Revert to normal placement & procurement rules while Paris is liberated.
- Note: Ensure that banked French IPCs are discarded if Paris falls again.
Setup Changes
- Put a battleship & a transport in SZ 105.
- Move the SZ 93 cruiser to SZ 92 & add a submarine to both 93 & 92.
- Remove the infantry from French W Africa.
- Place an infantry in each of:
- Madagascar, French Guiana & Fr Indo China.
- Add one AAA to each of Normandy & S France.
- Balance Tweak: Change the Italian “North Africa” NO to be:
Axis (not Vichy) control 6 of 7 North African territories.
French National Bonuses
- Replace France’s NO with the following (note that Free France may also collect):
- +5 IPCs: France controls Normandy, France, and S France.
- +5 IPCs: France controls all original territories.
@hengst If this feels too strong for the Allies, move the SZ 96 cruiser & destroyer to SZ 81. Otherwise, it forces the UK to choose between prosecuting the war against Italy & liberating the Vichy boats. If they don’t turn them all Free French, they may have a serious issue on their hands on G2. Similarly, it forces Germany to decide: do I want to kill French ships or force the UK to make a play for them.
After that, France will be a very minor yet present actor in the campaign for North Africa & eventually the retaking of Europe. If the UK ensure to liberate Syria, they may also fight in the defense of Cairo.
I haven’t seen somebody gamble on a Vietnam play, but that is also possibly in the cards.