Listened to audiobook on Thucydides’ History of Peloponnesian War. Has anyone played board game titled Hellenes: Campaigns of the Peloponnesian War? Would make a great multiplayer game. A&A has WWI, Napoleon, Punic 270 BC, variants, but not Peloponnesian Wars (Athens vs Sparta). Would be interested in working together with anyone willing to develop a Greek city state variant for this website.
New computer game: Solace
Hi everyone!
I’m a long-time Axis and Allies fan, and a hobbyist game developer to boot. So, about 18 months ago I decided to make a strategy game inspired by this beloved classic! Solace is at heart a board game, and tries to capture the essense of being a board game (simple, easy to follow rules but with interesting and complex gameplay), while incorporating some of the latest advantages computers have to offer (smooth OpenGL graphics, LAN and Internet play, a neat Play By Email system).
Solace was officially released today and is being published by Freeverse Software. The Mac demo is currently available for download, and the PC demo will be posted shortly. I thought I’d let you all know about it, and I’m interested in any feedback you may provide!
Rocco -
Congrats, Rocco!
The intro page looks interesting, with well-developed character-storylines.
Maybe I’ll do a Mac download sometime this summer.Keep at it!!
Quick update, the PC demo is now available for download.