It’s about the total game balance, not if Germany is stronger with or w/o Italy.
I was just wondering what others thought of Italy being in the AA50 game. Do you think it helps Germany as a seperate entity or do you think they should be kept together as the new revised edition coming out is supposed to have. 8-)
gee, and i thought the question was about if 'it helps Germany as a seperate entity or do you think they should be kept together" the reference to AA42 was for reference to Germany controlling all Euro Axis forces.
I like Italy integrated as a 6th player. Some arguments now about China being a 7th, that’s where Italy used to be. It’s not the powerhouse of Germany, but it isn’t supposed to be, all the countries are different.
I’ve played games where Italy was added as a unique country in AAR and AAE and have enjoyed both. It can be a touchy thing when a German player doesn’t want to commit troops to help protect Italy or if Italy falls, it’s an easy thing to cite as the reason we lost, and all. Italy can be a key to winning or losing whether it’s combined or not, sure, and so can other fronts, like in Russia, but for getting a 6th player into the game instead of just watching, Italy’s especially great.