• Hey,

    I have some questions about militia movements rules :

    -Can militia use strategic movement (by using rail or rivers), even if they aren’t in home country?

    -Can militia use strategic naval movement, even if they aren’t in home country?

    -Can Spanish nationalist or republican militia could move and attack in Spain? Or do they have to be upgraded to infantry first?

    -When a country that has militia is aligned to a major power, can the militia (newly acquired) move or attack in his old home country?

    Thanks for your answers.

  • Page 49, Militia, “Militia can only move within a Major Power’s Home Country.”

    Militia cannot use strategic movement if they aren’t in home country. A great example is the Tannu Tuva militia. Tannu Tuva is not home country for the USSR, so you cannot move the militia. Because militia can only move “within” home country territories, I don’t see how one could move militia by transport. If you moved militia via strategic rail movement, it would need to start in home country, end in home country, and trace a path through only home country territories.

    I don’t know of a specific rule forbidding Spanish nationalist or republican militia from moving and attacking in Spain, but I think there should be such a rule due to the precedent of Chinese CCP and KMT militia. Chinese militia cannot move within China until after China evolves to a major power. This would suggest to me that Spanish militia cannot move and attack in Spain. You could make an argument that since there is no defined list of Spanish home country territories, then the Spanish militia is not allowed to move. I guess that’s where I’d come down on that particular issue.

    I have found militia you gain from aligned minors to basically be permanent garrisons. You cannot move them. One option is to upgrade them to infantry (Page 47), but remember this requires a supply path. If the USSR wants to make use of the militia in Tannu Tuva, it will require that a rail be built into Tannu Tuva. Since that territory is mountainous, such a rail would cost 4 IPP, as much as 2 militia! So the only thing that makes sense is to leave the militia in Tannu Tuva as a permanent garrison unit.

  • On the third question, since the general rule is that militia may only move within a Major Power’s home country, I think that they cannot move within Spain since it is not a Major power, regardless of the fact the it could be considered home country (rule 11.5 states that recruited militia should be placed in a Minor Power’s home country, so even if not defined for lack of a NRS, Minor Power seem to have home countries also).

    The same goes for the fourth question. These are aligned Minor Powers, not Major Powers and even if the militia is replaced by the controlling Major Power’s units it is still not in the Major Power’s home country.

  • @noneshallpass Excellent point. Your point about the Major Power clause is conclusive. Brilliant, as always, my friend!

  • @noneshallpass
    A minor power’s home country is defined as all land zones contiguous with their capital.

  • Banned

    @trig said in Militia questions:

    A minor power’s home country is defined as all land zones contiguous with their capital.

    Meant is:
    A minor power’s home country is defined as all that minor power’s originally Possessed land zones contiguous with their capital.
    That could be the most precise HBG definition.

  • Thanks all of you for your answers !

    @HBG-GW-Enthusiast "Because militia can only move “within” home country territories, I don’t see how one could move militia by transport. "

    I thougt that you could move militia by using strategic naval movmement if the unit is starting and ending his move in home country.

  • @didier_de_dax Can you give me an example? Do you have a rule reference? I could definitely be wrong, my friend! 8 )

  • @hbg-gw-enthusiast I think that you are correct I was just guessing with what captain napalm said there (last post) : https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/36668/railing-militia/5

    And for an example it could be the english militia in northern ireland (this province is home country) moving to northern england.

    Also, quite strange that there isn’t a narrow crossing between northern ireland and northern england.

  • @didier_de_dax Gotcha! I think CaptainNalpalm is house ruling that particular move. That’s a great point about Northern Ireland needing a narrow crossing.

  • I have a few questions concerning Militia… First, let me start with some rules from HBG…

    Militia can be built at a non-factory site up the worth of the IPP value of that land zone.

    1. A land zone of 3 IPP in a home country can generate 3 militia units per turn. or three 1-IPP zones can generate 1 militia each per turn.

    Question: A medium factory has 3 product slots per turn and it is in a land zone worth two IPPs… So can the player build a total of 5 militia there? 3 from the factory and 2 from the land zone? (YES/NO)

    1. In a captured land zone the maximum number of Militia units that can be built is always 1, regardless of the IPP value of that land zone. (YES/NO)

    Question: Germany captures all of France and every turn the player invests 10 IPPs to build there. In several turns Germany has built up a sizeable number of militia units. The US invades. Can the German player begin to move the Militia units from land zone to land zone within France? Can the German player move Militia units into Germany?

    My reading of the rules would indicate that if a Militia is raised in Picardy then it must stay in Picardy if it was a Militia unit raised by the Germans.

    KMT, CCP, Nat Spain and Repub Spain can raise militia in each territory but NONE of them can move to an adjacent territory as part of an attack.

    Militias raised in land zones by MINOR POWERS can not MOVE out the land zone they are raised. ( yes/no )
    Militias raised in land zones that were conquered by a MAJOR power can NOT move out of the land zone they were raised in ( YES/NO ) If YES, can they move in the landzone’s of the HOME AREA they were raised in ( IE… Militia raised by Germany in France can move around in France but not out of France.
    Militias raised by a nation in their HOME COUNTRY can move about freely ( 1 move per turn ) to any other home country land zone and can participate in attacks on land zones with other land units. (YES / NO)

  • @vondox said in Militia questions:

    I have a few questions concerning Militia… First, let me start with some rules from HBG…

    Militia can be built at a non-factory site up the worth of the IPP value of that land zone. YES

    1. A land zone of 3 IPP in a home country Originally owned territory can generate 3 militia units per turn. or three 1-IPP zones can generate 1 militia each per turn. YES

    Question: A medium factory has 3 product slots per turn and it is in a land zone worth two IPPs… So can the player build a total of 5 militia there? 3 from the factory and 2 from the land zone? NO

    1. In a captured land zone the maximum number of Militia units that can be built is always 1, regardless of the IPP value of that land zone. YES

    Question: Germany captures all of France and every turn the player invests 10 IPPs to build there. In several turns Germany has built up a sizeable number of militia units. The US invades. Can the German player begin to move the Militia units from land zone to land zone within France? NO Can the German player move Militia units into Germany? NO

    My reading of the rules would indicate that if a Militia is raised in Picardy then it must stay in Picardy if it was a Militia unit raised by the Germans. YES

    KMT, CCP, Nat Spain and Repub Spain can raise militia in each territory but NONE of them can move to an adjacent territory as part of an attack. YES

    Militias raised in land zones by MINOR POWERS can not MOVE out the land zone they are raised. YES
    Militias raised in land zones that were conquered by a MAJOR power can NOT move out of the land zone they were raised in YES If YES, can they move in the landzone’s of the HOME AREA they were raised in ( IE… Militia raised by Germany in France can move around in France but not out of France. NO
    Militias raised by a nation in their HOME COUNTRY can move about freely ( 1 move per turn ) to any other home country land zone and can participate in attacks on home country land zones with other land units. YES

    In short:

    • Militia can be built up to the IPP value of an Home country territory (Minimum one) and can move within home country.
    • Militia may be build up to the IPP value of a non home country originally possessesed territory (Minimum one) and may not move.
    • ONE militia may be built in any other territory and may not move.

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