Thanks for your reply. I’ve considered this as an option too. It’s simple and easy to remember.
Damage can range between 4 and 20 though which is a bit inconsistent for my liking.
Thanks for sharing your ideas nonetheless
I have another house rule but I need help with it. So please read!!
Hello, I want to try a new house rule ,but it is fresh out of my brains lol, the new house rule is, I want reinforcements,how can i do this? I need ideas and help on how to do this reinforcement house rule, HERE goes we have all needed reinforcements before exspecially when you lose by 1,you have been there before, so any way i was thinking if your defending a territory you must wait one round of the attack before you can call in 2 units of reinforcements ,but here is the catch you can call in reinforcements but you have to wait 1 turn meaning they attack once and you defend once in the certain territory that is under attack then if you make it during 1 round of attack then you can call up to 2 units that are in a territory connected to the territory under attck (even if you have more than 1 territory connected to the territory that is under attack you can only have 2 untis that are reinforcements). So then they would help you possibly win that battle ,but if you are attacking you can not call in reinforcements. So please tell me what you think about this house rule and what it needs or anything you think about it.
As the attacker you have an advantage. This would take some of that advantage away. If the defender is allowed reinf 2nd wave of battle the attacker may just retreat. This could also swing the advantage to the defender as he would now have 2 more units at the front to use in attack on his turn. I have seen air units able to defend adjacent territories, even from an aircraft carrier(AC). Maybe in the 2nd wave of battle. (1st wave if you have radar). That way you don’t get to advance units to the front, planes would have to land back where they came from. Might consider a defensive retreat,(maybe only after 2nd round of battle) this would allow you to keep some of your units if they survive. If you do end up using a reinf rule I like limiting it @ 2 units, any more would be to much of an advantage. I’m not sure why you wouldn’t give this rule to the attacker, maybe only if the defender dose it first. It would be harder for the attacker to bring in reinf as many times he has thrown everything at you, or his units have no movement left to join the battle. hope this helps.
As the attacker you have an advantage. This would take some of that advantage away. If the defender is allowed reinf 2nd wave of battle the attacker may just retreat. This could also swing the advantage to the defender as he would now have 2 more units at the front to use in attack on his turn. I have seen air units able to defend adjacent territories, even from an aircraft carrier(AC). Maybe in the 2nd wave of battle. (1st wave if you have radar). That way you don’t get to advance units to the front, planes would have to land back where they came from. Might consider a defensive retreat,(maybe only after 2nd round of battle) this would allow you to keep some of your units if they survive. If you do end up using a reinf rule I like limiting it @ 2 units, any more would be to much of an advantage. I’m not sure why you wouldn’t give this rule to the attacker, maybe only if the defender dose it first. It would be harder for the attacker to bring in reinf as many times he has thrown everything at you, or his units have no movement left to join the battle. hope this helps.
so maybe the attacker can have 1 unit of reinforcement or that the defender has to move his reinforcement troops back to the territory they caME from and the defender can not move those troops or attack with those troops until the entire turn ( turn meaning every country goes) is over
So as the defender you bring in 2 reinf 2nd wave. The attacker doesn’t like the odds and has no eligible units to reinf so he retreats. The defender would then have to pull his 2 reinf units back and they would be idle for 1 complete round? Sounds like a good bluff and you might hold on to the country. Keeping track of idle units might be hard, because you could end up with several nations with idle units causing some confusion. Don’t get me wrong I like the idea of the defender having options for reinforcements or retreat. I think its silly to think the defender would just sit there and let the enemy dictate the battle with out using all his resources. Maybe someone else will chime in with an idea or two.
So as the defender you bring in 2 reinf 2nd wave. The attacker doesn’t like the odds and has no eligible units to reinf so he retreats. The defender would then have to pull his 2 reinf units back and they would be idle for 1 complete round? Sounds like a good bluff and you might hold on to the country. Keeping track of idle units might be hard, because you could end up with several nations with idle units causing some confusion. Don’t get me wrong I like the idea of the defender having options for reinforcements or retreat. I think its silly to think the defender would just sit there and let the enemy dictate the battle with out using all his resources. Maybe someone else will chime in with an idea or two.
yeah hopefuly