@Caesar-Seriona I think you need to re-read the rule, it does not say you can only send to one nation. What the rule states is that, when you do Lend Lease to a nation, you can send that nation one unit or up to half that nations income. But you can do that same process multiple times.
Language from the book here:
7.8 Lend-Lease: During the Production Phase nations may lend money (IPPs) or military
equipment to other Major and Minor Powers.
Requirements: A nation can lend-lease to a nation under the following conditions:
(a) The receiving nation is at war with a Major Power or,
(b) A special circumstance (e.g. Spanish Civil War) allows a
nation to lend-lease.
A nation may not lend-lease to itself or to Aligned minors (since
they are technically also part of that nation). Britain cannot lendlease to the FEC or ANZAC.
Declaration: A player must announce his intention to lend-lease at
the start of the turn. You may lend either;
(a) Up to half the receiving nation’s current income in IPPs (not
counting bonus income), rounding fractions up. Or,
(b) One military unit. Such a unit must be produced at a factory in the Home Nation
specifically for the purpose of lending. You may not lend-lease units already on the
It does not specify that you can only Lend Lease to a single nation. So that might help clear it up a bit. The USA can Lend Lease to China, USSR, UK, and Free France all in the same turn if it wants to, for example.
I guess I still don’t follow the logic on allowing Free France a free reign to take out Vichy though. I’m not saying the money from Vichy makes or breaks Germany winning, but it just doesn’t make any sense to allow the Allies to just take all the territory essentially for free while Germany can’t do anything about it. But we may have to just agree to disagree on that one. :grinning: