You would think. What hurts Allies is if they can’t land on beaches more than once and for axis killing planes with art.
Most say game favors axis.
I’ve been testing using a d8 die and so far
Allies 4 to 1. Every allies win game down to getting 3rd city on t9. Only thing I have come across is axis art against planes. May increase number. By going to d8 or chance of rolling a 6 decrease with a d8 instead of a d6. This helps allies with less chance of landings on beaches. Plus an but increase in deployment but that goes both ways
No Air-Force for the Allies
I had the worst game ever as the Allies in A&A D-Day In the first two turns I lost both my bomber by rolling sixes on the fortune card: Bombers return and after that I got a six on the allied reinforcement phase and the next three turns i got sixes on the fighter patrol card and only got to use two of my eight fighters meanwhile the germans got huge numbers of reinforce ments and managed to kill my trickle of guys just as they came of the beach. On turn three i had caen but was never able to begin the push on St. Lo due to limited movement (more sixes) and eventually the germans moved up and even retook caen on the seventh turn!!! One hilarious thing that happened though was that the german player got a one on the blockhouses fire to sea fortune card and then got three sixes on the far right british beach missing an easy kill of one of my tanks and artillery! Ha!
I guess the German player must have played his cards right, don’t you think. I bet he’s really good.
No it was more of a straight up dumb-luck type of thing you know?