Defense Profiles Still Need Polish After Last Patch Changes

  • I have had two issues happen more than a couple of times each now while playing since the last patch, and during season 4. Both issues revolve around the defense profiles/submerging submarines, and I’m curious to see if anyone else has had either of these happen to them.

    First issue pertains to the recent patch we got, where the defense profiles are now seperate for each nation. This was a great addition to the game, but it doesn’t seem to be working the way it was meant to. The problem I’m having is when I have two different nations sharing the same seazone, and the best example I can give, is when I move my Soviet submarine in with the British fleet on turn one to add an extra hit point to the fleet to increase their odds against the sure to come German attack. Now, my Soviet defense profile will be set to default, with defending subs not submerging, but my UK defense profile will be set at the beginning of the match to submerge subs (I do this so I won’t forget and lose my sub in the pacific when the Japanese counterattack my moves). So, Germany then goes to take its first turn and brings in the usual complement of units to wipe out the UK battleship off the coast of Britian, and my Soviet sub submerges?! Why would this happen? The Soviet units should be following the Soviet profile, and not the UK profile, that is if I’m understanding the new mechanics of how each nation having their own profiles is supposed to work, right? As I said, I have had this happen more than once now, and it’s REALLY bad when it does happen, because it usually results in Germany getting a nearly clean take of that seazone, and having enough units left to delay the Atlantic for an extra turn or two at least. The only thing I can think that might be the cause of this, is that becaue there are more UK units in the sea zone, then maybe their defense profile is choosen for use for all of the units in this sea zone? If that’s the case, then the use of separate profiles will only be good for territories containing one nations units. It’s also worth noting, that I have seen this from the Axis side too. At least I’m pretty sure I have. Because there’s not way for me to check their defense profiles, but they made the same move, and had the same Soviet sub submerge, and I can’t see why they would want it to submerge after moving it here.

    Second issue has only happened to me twice, but both times it did happen it caused an error in the game and made it crash to where it had to be reloaded after sending an error report. Both crashes were again caused by submarine warfare, and had multinational forces occupying the same sea zone. I would move my subs in to attack a force that had two nations ships in it, but no destroyers present on either side, and no units would submerge and I would be allowed to start rolling dice for my surprise strikes. As soon as I tried to roll my die the game froze, and said wait a minute somethings not right, then it crashed and had to be reloaded as I stated above. Well after the reload, all of the defending submarines were submerged, and got away without taking any hits. The rest of the battle played out like it should, but it just seemed odd, because before the reload none of his subs submerged.

    I’d love to try and keep duplicating these issues to see if there’s a bug or something, but that first example I gave isn’t one you want to try in a ranked match at all, becuase it really puts you at a disadvantge as the UK. So, I’m asking all of you on here, have you had issues with your defense profiles since being able to set them different for each nation? Am I missing something about how they are supposed to work? Each nation should follow its profile when assigning hits to its nations units, right? Or is it meant to use only the nations profile that owns that particular territory? And in the case of sea zones the nation with the most units invested in the fight?

    Thank you for taking the time to read this long post. I wanted to be as thorough as possible when providing a description of my issues. And thank you to everyone over at the develpment team for making this great adaptation of Axis and Allies. Now, if we could only get the update that adds the ability for allies to use each others carriers and transports…

  • I experienced the same issues. Curious as to what the fix is.

  • The game uses the profile of the UK player there because there are majorly UK ships in the zone. It can’t use the profile of the SU player for the sub and the profile of the UK player for the rest of the fleet as all the ships are one defender.

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