Our group has had this discussion many times. It seems unrealistic that a country would develop something that is not useful. In one of our games Russia bought a non-disposable tech dice and actually rolled a 6 then rolled on the chart and got “War Bonds” which was cool for them but if you look at the list there are very few that Russia can benefit from. Mostly depends if they are on the offensive. If they are on the defensive then only “War Bonds” and “Increased Factory Production” seem to be worthwhile. “Radar” would also be good but its on a separate chart with tech that would not benefit them. Most would say that Russia should not even consider rolling on tech and I tend to agree unless they are on the offensive and have a massive economy.
Noob question sealion
Will somebody please explain in depth what sealion is? Thanks.
Will somebody please explain in depth what sealion is? Thanks.
In depth, well I’m not the exact person to explain you that but is the invasion of UK by Germany
A friend of mine loves this move. It involves buying at least three transports for Germany and some supporting ships. Then if the UK player does not spend much on defense of London, Germany can invade with 6 land units and multiple barrages from his carriers/battleships and the entire German airforce. This then may result in London being captured by Germany.
Historical Sealion or in game Sealion? If it’s the latter I should say it’s already been explained.