How many bombers is a good stratagy?

  • I’m just trying to inprove my game,I usually am on the defensive,so,I’m not that good at AAP,I’ve tried every Country and I stink. :|I ROCK in the AAR as Russia though.

  • Bugs- How many lumps do you want? 
    Pete Puma- " Aw 3 or 4",
    maybe Pete is right, 3 or 4 can be decisive in certain battles as it is very nice to have 4 dice at 4 when attacking.  Of course it depends on who you are playing as bombers are good offensive weapons and poor defensive weapons.
    If you are the allies and expect Japan to smack you hard for a few turns, bomber purchases can be futile and your IPCs are better spent on fighters and other strong defensive units.

    Japan- Very useful early on.
    Allies- Depends on the success of J1 and J2. If Japan pins the Allies back, bombers can be a waste of money.

  • Given Krieghund’s Response on another thread regarding PI, perhaps there is good reason for US to purchase bombers in earlier rounds. 
    I look forward to play testing that scenario.

  • @AA:

    I’m just trying to inprove my game,I usually am on the defensive,so,I’m not that good at AAP,I’ve tried every Country and I stink. :|I ROCK in the AAR as Russia though.

    As Japan, you might want an extra bomber, but you won’t be conducting any bombing runs, and you have Battleships, so usually the two you start with are enough.

    As UK, you can’t afford 'em…it’d be nice, but ground troops for India and navy for Austraila are far more important. Perhaps in later rounds if things are going very well for the Allies one can splurge IPCs on a bomber, but by then it probably won’t see much action.

    As US, pretty much all I build is bombers and subs, with the occasional loaded transport. Bombers can get from the West coast to China in two turns (via Queensland) so they are ideal for augmenting your Chinese allies. They have great versatility via airbases for threatening large tracts of sea zones, forcing the Japanese to protect all vessels or risk destruction. Coupled with subs as fodder, they are ideal for fleet engagements.

    I usually build at least two bombers per turn as US, and often more.

  • One way I used bombers once was a cannonfodder. First buy was fighters - then bombers - then by the fourth round Japanese forces were very built up in Asia - I got 6 fighters and 5 bombers into china leading to a japanese counter attack with infantry and fighters. The japanese ‘won’ economically decimating about 150 IPCs worth of hardware. However - they lost nearly all of the infantry they had worked so hard to transport and were bearing down on India at the point. India was never in danger again at that point, and having committed to that strategy at the start Japan had not invested enough in building a navy to hold her victory points.

    Big Japanese error had been to leave New Britain unoccupied. That was how I got my fighters into China. (after massing Chinese forces on the coast - which led to Japanese reinforcement of Hong Kong - my opponent thought that was my target!).

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