Something new coming to Combat Miniatures:
Move completed…
I’m breaking my own rule here, have to see what happens in the next several turns…
My predictable attack…
No advance, you’re up
(As an aside, I’m just making sure you know it is OK for infantry retreating to the reserve area to pass thru friendly units…Saw that the yellow retreat path markers all went thru clear-only squares and didnt know if it was coincidence or not)
Oh I actually did remember that wrong - I remembered any unit where it says just enemy units that it can’t retreat through - thanks.
No problem. I’ve been rusty myslef and been refering back to thier website several times this game.
FYI, on a double-move turn, if its not obvious of the order of the two moves, please denote the one that moved second with a double-arrow (two arrows) to mark that he went second.
Recall that a unit can only move twice in a row, and I find that I actually do bump into that restriction a couple of times in a game.
Okay, here it is with the second arrow.
If I’m away for a while, I’m in Houston and the storm is coming here tonight so we may experience some power outages.
Good luck!
sorry for the delay
No prob, here’s C22 map - passed.
I’ll PASS as well then
C24 Pass.
Sorry for the delay, had to go out of towm for a family emergency. I’ll try to get back on track soon.