• Hey, you guys need to start playing online here.  We are always looking for new players here for A&A Minis!

  • @Motdc:

    Brumbar cannot target the Sniper, but if some fool other soldier is there giving away the position the the Brumbar can target that unit and the poor sniper would get hit by the Blast.

    Oh Ok!! Thanks for clearing that up! I want to play online but we’re so busy with our games right now. Sounds fun though!

  • Here’s a similar situation/ analogy:

    It was the last turn of the game meaning, I would lose if my men failed to secure the hill and they were failing, they hadn’t landed a single hit.

    If the Americans were attacking a German 88 mm position that was decimating their forces from afar, they sent in a few Rangers and a sniper and they failed to take out the 88mm’s which contiued to fire on American Armor and units that were needed to secure a bridge lets say, would it me wrong for the Americans, sensing they may lose with the gamble of relying on a few elite men who had failed to destroy the artillery postion in a timely manner, would it be wrong for them to mortar the 88 position, knowing full well, there was a chance of their men being hit?

    I say NO. Troops are an expendalble weapon of the state. What do you call the first wave of men into D-day? Expendable for a greater means. They knew full well the casualties would be immense. Did they decide to try and bomb the dug in Germans for weeks intsead of try and take the position by force? No. Bombing (which they DID do) was only half useful. They COULD have continued air strikes and continued to batter the coast with battleship batteries.

    They could have wasted all that time for (alternate means) but they didn’t. They meticulously prepared the largest scale seaborn invasion in history, knowing the first wave would suffer incredible losses but we would prevail through our numbers. Those men were exendable in that sense and they died with tremendous honor if you ask me.

    So you could relate the 88mm position analogy to my situation. Risk losing or mortar the postion with a better chance of doing damage knowing full well, a few american lives may be hit by the shellling. Soldiers must be used to WIN a war. They are (sadly) expendable in that sense. That doesn’t mean you slaughter your own men whenever convenient. You have to make choices that will lead to victory sometimes. The ends justify the means in my book. I won. Luckily, my men weren’t at all harmed. Being in the last turn, I did the made the most intelligent decision to give myself every chance of killing my opponent in the final moments of the game.

  • This subject is not black or white, it’s grey!  Each person must look within themselves to answer the question of self sacrifice for a cause greater than themselves.

    A commander must also make this decesion concerning his men. I’m sure Obergruppenfuhrer made the best decesion.

    Wow, we’re now talking philosophy!

  • National Socialism is about giving up some personal freedoms for the collective good of the state. A few friendly casualties to win the battle can be justified under those circumstances. Most countries had that philosophy back then, and I think it was better. The common good should be more important than the individual. Look at what helping the individual has gotten everyone? Invalids draining economies dry while weakening the gene pool. We’ll all end up a bunch of crippled, food-starved morons at this rate. Natural selection FTW.

  • @Ducky:

    National Socialism is about giving up some personal freedoms for the collective good of the state. A few friendly casualties to win the battle can be justified under those circumstances. Most countries had that philosophy back then, and I think it was better. The common good should be more important than the individual. Look at what helping the individual has gotten everyone? Invalids draining economies dry while weakening the gene pool. We’ll all end up a bunch of crippled, food-starved morons at this rate. Natural selection FTW.

    :lol: Omg. Thank you. AbWorsham and Ducky to the rescue. Ducky, what a politically incorrect, arcane, “predjudice statement.” Don’t you know it’s your fault the state came in and took ma baby!  :lol: I can’t believe you had the guts to just flat out say that. That rocks!! I feel the same way man. If you voice opinions like that in Minneapolis, your a nut case and FAR left people will literally start screaming at you and “about the war” and I’ve heard so much I just wanna vomit. On them.

  • I KNOW that everyone is voting (ABWorsham, I’m looking at you). Unless its closed then nevermind.

  • Please keep the thread on topic top to the forum its in.

    The moderators are pretty sctrict on this kind of thing, and since I hang out alot in these Mini forums, I dont want the apple-cart tipped.

    There is a general discussion area for social commentary.

    Thanks guys!


    PS - I’ll be glad to teach any of you A&A Miniatures play-by-post when you are ready!  Just PM me

  • WOW…

    Opergruppenfuhrer, in my opinion you handled yourself with excellence.  It’s very rare to see a battle commander be able to explain his actions like a politician.

    “The intelligence reports were only aware of an SE Para in the area, so the shellings were justified…”


    I couldn’t agree more.

    Yeah Yeah to Natural selection too. 
    too many slackers out there… :evil:

  • At the end of the day the fact of the matter is that this is only a game, and winning is the only focus!!

  • But on some level games mirror our real life attitudes

  • @Audacity:

    But on some level games mirror our real life attitudes

    That is a very introspective point. The games do bring out traits in our personality and that’s why these dicussions are so interesting in how they turn into moral and philosophical debates. It’s a good thing for us to go with it and challenge each others views because I know that I’m learning a lot by participating in these dicussions.

    ….And thank you Der Kommander. You honor my SS battalion with your unsolicited praise. We won a very one sided battle last night. One sided in the sense that more than 10 units and 2 tanks remained of my force to my enemies complete decimation. It was fear that lost this opponent his battle. He diverted his forces (US) west; away from the objective and the bulk of my force and even pulled valuable resources away from the field in fear of my Tiger 1. These actions set us up for an aggressive stance the entire game.

    Anyways – I really enjoy what everybody brought to this debate which is really about morals and codes of conduct, not Axis and Allies miniatures.

    Speaking of which, If you know anyone that wants to trade German stuff for my Japenese army, let me know.

  • @Obergruppenfuhrer:


    But on some level games mirror our real life attitudes

    That is a very introspective point. The games do bring out traits in our personality and that’s why these dicussions are so interesting in how they turn into moral and philosophical debates. It’s a good thing for us to go with it and challenge each others views because I know that I’m learning a lot by participating in these dicussions.

    ….And thank you Der Kommander. You honor my SS battalion with your unsolicited praise. We won a very one sided battle last night. One sided in the sense that more than 10 units and 2 tanks remained of my force to my enemies complete decimation. It was fear that lost this opponent his battle. He diverted his forces (US) west; away from the objective and the bulk of my force and even pulled valuable resources away from the field in fear of my Tiger 1. These actions set us up for an aggressive stance the entire game.

    Anyways – I really enjoy what everybody brought to this debate which is really about morals and codes of conduct, not Axis and Allies miniatures.

    Speaking of which, If you know anyone that wants to trade German stuff for my Japenese army, let me know.

    I had the funniest fight ever not that long ago, speaking of German-asskickery. I beat a Soviet Army with my Germany in 1 turn. I had 2 Veteran Tigers, 2 SS Elite Infantry Platoons, and a Fallschirmjager… He took a bad selection of pieces and it was on a wide-open map. I killed more than half of his guys in my first assault phase, and all he managed to do was disrupt 2 of my infantry on his. He surrendered because he had a better chance of winning the lottery than winning that match.

  • That’s freakin awesome Ducky!  :lol:

  • I tell my kids, the ones that claim winning does not matter, that life is much like a game, people win and people loose-except the stakes are higher.

  • Speaking of honor, perhaps its been a little unfair that I’ve been playing someone who does not have a weapon with “bombardment”. Well last night we both bought out the rest of the Afrika and contested skies packs at our local store and we STILL haven’t got a single plane. I’m really getting irritated. We’re just going to buy individually. He was really cool though and traded me 4 German units for a Russian Su-122.

    I got the 2 rare russian tanks in buying 2 afrika packs and out of BOTH of those packs, I only was given 2 axis cards. REALLY irritating. My opponent now has an amazing array or armor and plays Russia quite well. So I think my tanks are finally going see an end to their overwhelming supperiority on the field.

  • @Obergruppenfuhrer:

    Speaking of honor, perhaps its been a little unfair that I’ve been playing someone who does not have a weapon with “bombardment”. Well last night we both bought out the rest of the Afrika and contested skies packs at our local store and we STILL haven’t got a single plane. I’m really getting irritated. We’re just going to buy individually. He was really cool though and traded me 4 German units for a Russian Su-122.

    I got the 2 rare russian tanks in buying 2 afrika packs and out of BOTH of those packs, I only was given 2 axis cards. REALLY irritating. My opponent now has an amazing array or armor and plays Russia quite well. So I think my tanks are finally going see an end to their overwhelming supperiority on the field.

    How many pieces do each of you have, roughly?

    Ironically, I found Contested Skies didn’t net me a ton of planes. I got a ton out of the green 1939-1945 boosters though…

  • That’s hard to say. My German Army has A SOLID 100 pieces or more. He is using mostly my Russian army which must have 80 pieces at the very most.

    I bought the first 2 Afrika packs and got 2 german units. One from each.  :x He was nice enough to go buy the last contested skies and the last Afrika pack and he got tons of German stuff so we just straight up traded and I’m really happy about it. I got my FIRST vetern paratrooper! I’m SO happy with this unit. I also can’t wait to use my new. Stug III Ausf D and SD Kfz 231. FINALLY a decent strike and fade vehicle for the Germans for only 6 points!! The armored car 222 is the most useless, expensive thing from the base set. I HATED it.

    Now I at least have 2 Weirhmacht Veteran Infantrymen (he traded me the 2nd) and the 2 Luftwaffe Infantry (he traded me). I would love to have more SS Panzergrenediers. (I have 2). I always split my troops into 2 divisions for each side of the field and base their strength accordinly but I always have an Oberleutnant and Haupstumfuhrer present with each unit and at least 1-2 MG 42 teams. The Haupstumfuhrer is a life saver, removing disruptions every round. My units always stay dug in in the worst fighting becuase of him and if we have to blitz him, I use the Oberleutnant to move units into their hex.

    I also almost always field at least 2 expert snipers, one per unit but most of the time they are off on their own to in cover with artillery or tank support to make sure no one gets close enough for a kill. The snipers are always among the last surving units in the game and so is my Haupsturmfuhrer usually because I do my best to protect him.

    My Brummbar tank is fielded EVERY game without exception and is usually the last of my tanks to be destroyed (if it even gets destroyed).

  • The WVI are awesome, and so are the Veteran Fallschirmjager and StuG III Ausf. D. I try and field those things most of the time. My first 15-20 games or so all involved the StuG D…

  • Looks like my game against the Russians isn’t going so bad after all! We’d be entering turn 4 and I’ve lost 58 points as opposed to his  armies 146 points. And yeah! I was so pumped when I saw that Veteran Fallschirmjager. I would love to know what the Stug G’s stats are. I have 2 F’s which I’ve begun to field on occasion.

    The best part was last turn, his t-34/85 kept moving behind these hills to aviod my Nashorn, so I moved my Burmmbar using the road bonus into a town hex with 2 of his troops in it. This move cornered and destroyed his t-34/85 from the west. The Brummbar wasn’t disrupted. I also just ordered 2 spotters and 2 81mm mortars and I can’t wait to field them instead of my stupid light mortars which have rarely done me any good. His 81mm’s have done pretty well this game and I was forced to move & take out his damn spotter as soon as possible to avoid further devistation.

    My opponent plays the Russians well but we got into a discussion where he was kind enough to tell me the reason I keep winning is the placement and tactical moves of my men. He at one point reffered my tanks as “Rooks” on a chess board.

    I couldn’t have agreed more with the analogy; being a decent chess player.

    I told him he was very meticulous and just wasn’t looking at the board in a larger perspective. I look at a battle map and concentrate on the open lanes. My artillery and tanks are constantly moving to cover and close these lanes. The Germans have an excellent advantage of having artillery and especially tanks with extended range. The troops often act as pawns and units like machinge gun teams and snipers can be similar to bishops. In my opinion, your best tank often acts as the queen, dominating any postion it’s placed in.

    He also brought up an interesting point that his army didn’t have, to his knowledge, any commander which removes disruption counters like my Haupstrumfuhrer of which I ALWAYS field 2. This unit alone has preserved and saved my front line troops on countless occasions.

    Now out of 4 tanks, both his T-34/67 and 85 have been killed with an Su-122 and KV-1 remaining in the far West. The Su-122 is disrupted so one of my tanks will take full advantage of this and use a long, open lane to destroy it next turn. His KV-1, while disrupted, amazingly survived an attack by my Panzer IV Ausf G. I cant wait to finish this game. Entering turn 4, there will be perhaps one to no survivors on one of our sides side by turn 7.

    I thought the Chess analogy he made was interesting because in chess I always am looking at the board in terms of applying pressure on lanes. The same thing applies in this game in a strikingly similar manner.

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