Here’s a similar situation/ analogy:
It was the last turn of the game meaning, I would lose if my men failed to secure the hill and they were failing, they hadn’t landed a single hit.
If the Americans were attacking a German 88 mm position that was decimating their forces from afar, they sent in a few Rangers and a sniper and they failed to take out the 88mm’s which contiued to fire on American Armor and units that were needed to secure a bridge lets say, would it me wrong for the Americans, sensing they may lose with the gamble of relying on a few elite men who had failed to destroy the artillery postion in a timely manner, would it be wrong for them to mortar the 88 position, knowing full well, there was a chance of their men being hit?
I say NO. Troops are an expendalble weapon of the state. What do you call the first wave of men into D-day? Expendable for a greater means. They knew full well the casualties would be immense. Did they decide to try and bomb the dug in Germans for weeks intsead of try and take the position by force? No. Bombing (which they DID do) was only half useful. They COULD have continued air strikes and continued to batter the coast with battleship batteries.
They could have wasted all that time for (alternate means) but they didn’t. They meticulously prepared the largest scale seaborn invasion in history, knowing the first wave would suffer incredible losses but we would prevail through our numbers. Those men were exendable in that sense and they died with tremendous honor if you ask me.
So you could relate the 88mm position analogy to my situation. Risk losing or mortar the postion with a better chance of doing damage knowing full well, a few american lives may be hit by the shellling. Soldiers must be used to WIN a war. They are (sadly) expendable in that sense. That doesn’t mean you slaughter your own men whenever convenient. You have to make choices that will lead to victory sometimes. The ends justify the means in my book. I won. Luckily, my men weren’t at all harmed. Being in the last turn, I did the made the most intelligent decision to give myself every chance of killing my opponent in the final moments of the game.