Looks like my game against the Russians isn’t going so bad after all! We’d be entering turn 4 and I’ve lost 58 points as opposed to his armies 146 points. And yeah! I was so pumped when I saw that Veteran Fallschirmjager. I would love to know what the Stug G’s stats are. I have 2 F’s which I’ve begun to field on occasion.
The best part was last turn, his t-34/85 kept moving behind these hills to aviod my Nashorn, so I moved my Burmmbar using the road bonus into a town hex with 2 of his troops in it. This move cornered and destroyed his t-34/85 from the west. The Brummbar wasn’t disrupted. I also just ordered 2 spotters and 2 81mm mortars and I can’t wait to field them instead of my stupid light mortars which have rarely done me any good. His 81mm’s have done pretty well this game and I was forced to move & take out his damn spotter as soon as possible to avoid further devistation.
My opponent plays the Russians well but we got into a discussion where he was kind enough to tell me the reason I keep winning is the placement and tactical moves of my men. He at one point reffered my tanks as “Rooks” on a chess board.
I couldn’t have agreed more with the analogy; being a decent chess player.
I told him he was very meticulous and just wasn’t looking at the board in a larger perspective. I look at a battle map and concentrate on the open lanes. My artillery and tanks are constantly moving to cover and close these lanes. The Germans have an excellent advantage of having artillery and especially tanks with extended range. The troops often act as pawns and units like machinge gun teams and snipers can be similar to bishops. In my opinion, your best tank often acts as the queen, dominating any postion it’s placed in.
He also brought up an interesting point that his army didn’t have, to his knowledge, any commander which removes disruption counters like my Haupstrumfuhrer of which I ALWAYS field 2. This unit alone has preserved and saved my front line troops on countless occasions.
Now out of 4 tanks, both his T-34/67 and 85 have been killed with an Su-122 and KV-1 remaining in the far West. The Su-122 is disrupted so one of my tanks will take full advantage of this and use a long, open lane to destroy it next turn. His KV-1, while disrupted, amazingly survived an attack by my Panzer IV Ausf G. I cant wait to finish this game. Entering turn 4, there will be perhaps one to no survivors on one of our sides side by turn 7.
I thought the Chess analogy he made was interesting because in chess I always am looking at the board in terms of applying pressure on lanes. The same thing applies in this game in a strikingly similar manner.