• I just reread the entire series (read it back in february or so) after the 10th volume came out.  Have to say I love the ending(s)…it’s so emotional yet so funny throughout the whole thing.

    One thing I noticed reading through again was that in the future with no men, they are no phallic skyscrapers but vulva-like buildings.  :lol:

    There are so many little details and trivia that this one will keep you going.

  • Jermofoot,

    I want to thank you for turning me on to this graphic novel.  I have really gotten hooked into it.  I really want to finish it then see the movie.

    Thanks again,

  • Glad to be of service and that you can enjoy this series as well.  Just don’t read the wiki and ruin the plot!  The ending is superb.  :-)

  • Thanks for the heads up.

  • I downloaded the first issue from the website Frimmel gave.  Be advised it is the first issue not the first volume.  There are several more issues that make up the first volume.

    My wife and I liked it so much she went to Borders and bought the first volume.  They didn’t have 2-6 so I just ordered them from Amazon.  I got 2-10 for under $100 (USD) new.

    Jermofoot, I look forward to reading them when they get here.

    Thanks again,

  • That is money well spent. It is great. I’ve read it all twice myself.

    I also recommend Fables.

    “Never mention the dwarves.”

    And probably the best story in comics, not Watchmen.

    Sandman is truly fabulous.

    This is okay and the story that Yorrick will eventually reference in Y: The Last Man. The Cigarettee Lighter scene. I also have that lighter. Preacher.

    Don’t know if the wife will go for this tale too much but any story with the line “Came the day TC F*@#$% the chicken” is okay by me.

    But enjoy the story of Yorrick it is a treat.

  • @LT04:

    Jermofoot, I look forward to reading them when they get here.

    Thanks again,

    We will have to discuss when you are done!  I’ve not really had a chance to talk about it but read it twice this year.

    Never heard of Fables, but will look into it.  It’s been a long time since I’ve read any Sandman, but it’s good just haven’t had a chance to read it through from start to finish.  Watchmen were also recommended and I will read that soon from a friend and maybe catch the movie.

    I’ve heard a lot about the Preacher and read a piece here or there, so I should give it a better chance.

    Another one I’ve been reading about is  100 bullets.  It started off slow, but it’s gained on me and I can tell the story is going to be very intricate.  It’s about a guy that gives people who have been wronged the info about who slighted them and an untraceable gun with 100 bullets that allows them criminal immunity.  But it’s a lot bigger than that.

    I’m also into Gantz, which is a Japanese Manga that’s more adult oriented than Y.  That’s not why I picked up really, but it’s consistently picked up the plot as it’s gone on, and deals with a lot of topics such as society commentary, emotions, and despair.  There was a site that had all ~300 issues scanned and translated online to read, but Dark Horse bought the rights and just released the first volume with 10 chapters so had them pull all the scans.

  • I just read the first vol.  I ordered the other 9 and they shipped yesterday and should be here on Monday.  I had them sent to my hose by accident so I will have to wait till I get homw to read them.

    All that means is I will stay up all night Monday night to read them so I can ask questions here on Tuesday morning.


  • Can’t wait to discuss it.  :-)

  • Alright I’m in the middle of it. I’m at the part where Yorick meets the other Beth at the church.

    Sorry for the slow going pace.  My wife and I read them together and our schedules don’t line up very well after having kids.

    After I read it through the first time I will reread b/c I know I am missing some fore-shadowing and other hidden points.


  • I actually wouldn’t say there is much foreshadowing.  Maybe one distinct idea that really says what’s up, but it isn’t critical to the story.

    Read it and enjoy, that’s the whole point.  We can wait.  :-D

  • I just finished the entire series last night.  It was awesome.  I like how they didn’t make it a horror story more of a how life could be in that type of setting.


  • SPOILERS!!! Or maybe not…lol

    I felt it wasn’t too far off the truth about what would actually happen.  It was candid in the possibilities of a future without men.

    I really felt for Yorick, and I had to say that the ending moved me very much…and when I say ending…I mean the events in Paris with Agent 355 and immediately afterward.  I really connected with what he was going through (as I was going through the worst year of my life and it had mostly to do with women of all things), and it moved me quite a bit.  I feel like the last “issue” felt like a special required after the success of something…and it gave a chance to answer a few questions.  It was a wonderful issue, just felt a bit tacked on.  And I think his escape at the end is brilliant and perfect, I just prefer ambiguous endings such as it would be without the last issue.

    Although there is still ambiguity in the cause of the “plague.”  The authors claim the answer is implied or right out there, they shrouded it on purpose but they do tell you the cause but it is unclear and most people won’t pick up on it.  What do you think?


    My thought on the cause of the plague:

    I think how they played out the plague was very interesting.  It can almost be metaphoric to the origins of the creation of our world.  The plague was really “the big bang” of this world.

    Religious groups have formed their own opinions; scientists have formed their own opinion.  I’m sure the answers are all right in front of us.  That goes for both the novel and our world.

    The “Amulet of Helen” could have caused the plague.  Yorick’s mysterious ring could have saved him and Ampersand.  The Aborigines woman could be right that men needed to be absent from the world for the time being and they would return at some point on their own as shown by the return or the extinct rats.  Ampersand’s poop could probably be used to inoculate males from the plague that’s what made it possible for Vlad Jr. to leave the hot suite.

    One thing I have learned in my studies of eastern religion is that there are many paths but one truth.  That would have connected all the truths together and that would have made it in plain sight like the creators said.

    Honestly though I think the origins of the plague are as irrelevant as they are important.  Yeah that sounds stupid but like the big bang the beginning is important but not essential for understanding the story.  Also it makes for good debate in forums like these.

    The Characters:

    I like how human Yorick is.  When you first “meet” him he seems to be a normal human being (as far as starving artists go).  You get to see a little into his family life.  As far as a “normal” family goes almost any thing goes today.  Mother’s and Father’s both pursuer their interests to provide a way of life for their families.  Grandpa seemed a little creepy but ever family has at least one.

    As you get to learn more about Yorick you get to see some of his “human” traits.  Every person at some point in their life makes an assumption that has a great potential to damage their life on an emotional level.  Every one thinks they are on their own when they have to face that problem.  They also think that no one else would understand.  They feel very alone and wish they were “normal” because they also think they are the only ones in the world who have problems like this.

    You and I may see this assumption as nothing or as insignificant.  To who ever has this assumption it’s of grave importance.  If this topic ever came up in discussion and you suggested that it was unimportant that could crush this poor person.

    EDIT:        On the other hand every person also likes to belive that they were put here to acomplish some huge task that will shift the ballance of the fate of the world.  That they may grow up to be as pivotal as George Washington crossing the Delaware or Winston Chruchill leading GB forward.  When they don’t get to be that pivotal person they always dreamed they would be that feeds the doubrt that embelished the fear they hide about themselves.  (End Edit)

    Yorick went through this several times.  So did all the other characters at some point although it wasn’t as focused on as they were not the main character.  Yorick went though this with killing the “Son of Arizona.”  He couldn’t tell 355.  She’s killed several people as a secret agent.  She could make light of his concern tell him something to the effect of “walk it off, you’ll be fine Nancy.”

    Hero went through this with her relationships with men.  Her father, grandfather (who I think molested her.)  The guys she slept with as a high school student.  She kept her feelings to her self.  Then Victoria came into her life and reinforced her hidden feelings.

    Sorry to go on and on about this but I think that every one has this very same problem in life, some times several times.  Some people are able to take a step outside of the box look at the situation with some perspective and say to them selves “Boy, I was just a dumb kid for thinking that.”  Unfortunately since these feelings are shrouded in fear that driven by the fact the person thinks something is wrong with them they may never get resolved since they hide these feelings and that will lead to depression, addiction or aggression unless they get the issue resolved.

    Like I said sorry to go on and on about this but the biggest cure for the problem described above is to know you are not alone that every one has these problems.  Nothing is wrong with you and you are a normal person.  Saying that to your self will only get you so far.  Hearing it from an outside source will always make you breath a sigh of relief.

    EDIT:     I didn’t get out of the US Army on the best of terms.  Don’t get me wrong I got an honorable discharge but with the war and every thing I had some issues to resolve.  The US Army, the VA, DAV, American Legion and the VFW offered (and still offer) very little help for the emotional well being of servicemen and woman.  On the 17th of this month I will have been out 5 years.  Most of my internal demonds I have had to fight on my own.  My wife tries to help but until she can get into my head she can’t help much.

    On some days I am better then others.  I still have nightmares 1-5 times a week and have trouble sleeping. (They kind of come in phases)  This may sound stupid but to clear the fog at least for my I might just have to say to my self “I don’t have time to be crazy today.  I have to go to work then take my wife to her ultra-sound appt.”  One foot in front of the other.

    Wow I think I have spoken more on this subject today then I have in almost 5 years.  Please don’t think I’m crazy it must sound worse to read it then it really is.

    I like stories like Y b/c every one can take something from it and identify thier own lives with it.  What you took from it was very diffrent then what I took, but that’s ok.  You needed what you saw and I needed what I saw.

    Stories like that can be so much more then just another novel.


  • I completely agree that the cause of the plague really is unimportant to the development of the story, I was just curious what you thought it was since they claim that it can be figured out.  Actually, the ambiguity allowed the story to branch out…there wouldn’t be Dr. Mann’s father storyline, or the Sektauket ring or whatever the hell they were called, etc.,etc.

    And that was why I really liked the story, it was so easy to connect with, down to earth yet very entertaining.  It took a gritty look and what could be and didn’t flinch.

    I don’t think 355 would have made light of Yorick stressing over shooting another human being, even in self defense.  She gave him the gun and knew that it may have to happen some day.  She knew that he needed a suicide intervention, so she obviously cared about and apprised his emotional and mental well being.  Probably what planted the seed in both of them to bring about a mutual love.

    And we also see them later on acting more like each other.  She does and gets dolled up, and gives up her gun.  Yorick makes an exciting “last stand” but knows that more violence was not going to solve anything.

    And most of all, I think there is much wisdom in that book.  It just nails life in general, but doesn’t forget to stop and laugh about it.

    Sorry to hear about your anguish and hope you find some respite.  I don’t know if you know where I stand, but I find war appalling, but I accept that it will happen, just that I find it even more horrendous to send people into a nightmare and then not follow up with the consequences of that.  If you ever feel letting some of that out in a PM to me might help ya, feel free to do so.

    Oh, and back to the comic…I couldn’t really stand reading the travelling performers parts again.  I found that to be really boring and divergent.

  • I agree with you that 355 wouldn’t have taken light of Yorick’s situation.  I was just using that as an example as to how she could have handled the situation.  Sorry I should have included that point.

    I do like how the story line had hidden parables.  I also liked how they added humor by using the English language as a medium.  (For example naming his monkey Ampersand) Yorick having an intricate knowledge of the English language was a nice touch since he also had the smart-ass factor on his side.

    I would also have to agree with you that the rendezvous in Paris seemed to be the best part of the story.  It was almost a Lord of The Rings kind of reunion that brought every ones individual story full circle.

    I think they could have ended it there.  But like you said I liked how Yorick “escaped” at the very end.  I also liked the last few frames where they just showed people doing what people do.  Riding on busses walking in the parks.  It was an easy and effective way to show that life went on.  People just took it one day at a time.

    Well lets not get started on the war that can only lead to politics.  I just think to some degree every one can agree that good and bad comes from it.  (Just to prove that good does come from war look up the origins of psychology in the WWI era reference studies on shell shock, Penicillin and nuclear power from WWII and lastly lookup prosthetic limb technology from the current Iraq war.) The bad is paid for all up front the good will benefit mankind for decades to come.

    I think that until mankind makes a huge drastic change either from evolution or some kind of successful intervention that mankind will always have war.  With the way human beings are right now Plato’s republic can’t exist.

    I agree with you about the traveling performers.  It just felt like they threw it in as filler, but I did like that they followed up with the graphic novel that Yorick was reading that just kind of added to the “Lost” / “Hero’s” feel they were going for with every one being connected.

    Also thank you for your offer to listen to my crazy babble.  I try not to dwell on it.  In the past year or so I have found that the eastern medicine of meditation and Tie Chi / Yoga type exercise to be the most helpful.  They teach that thoughts are of things that have happened or of things that will happen.  If you focus on controlling your thoughts to what is going on right in the here and now on things like moving poses or sitting still with meditation that you can better control what you think about and avoid unpleasant thoughts you don’t want to think about.

    It helps me regulate and control my both my thoughts and my emotions as apposed to letting them control me.  I think that some (not all) emotional illnesses can be healed this way.  Like an alcoholic or an addict I have to make the conscious effort to not participate with things that will lead to a relapse.  But like when you brake a bone it will never be 100% again, but that doesn’t mean you won’t get full range of motion back or even become stronger with exercise.

    I don’t put a lot of stock in psychologists or physiatrists mostly because of my bad experiences with the ones I dealt with in the US Army.  I think they should be more like teachers.  They don’t teach in the way a conventional teacher would in a classroom setting per say.  They like great teachers will create a scenario where students will learn things for them selves.

    All people can learn a concept take balancing a checkbook for example.  With the proper instruction every one can understand the concept but not every one can perform the task.  Does that make any sense?


  • Another question:  I loved Y and have started reading it again from the begining.  I can’t waite till my wife finishes reading it.

    Do you know of any other graphic novels that are on this wave lenght?  I know you posted some above but I am more interested in ones like this that semi-sci-fi but a “this is how things could be if…” setting.

    Also I wanted to point out the new “Battlestar Galactica.”  I think it falls into this catagory.  They deal with issues like water and food supplies, black markets creating monopolies, the colapse of the government and how they rebuild it.  They also have one story line where there is a sickness going around and a religious group refuses to get the proper treatments b/c it goes agienst their belifes.

    It also covers some interesting aspects of religion.  You will see a lot of hidden Masonic, Jewish and Classical Greek mythology interwoven throughout.

    Worth a look.


  • Well, that’s very true and at that point in the story we really don’t know anything about 355 except that she’s a highly trained special ops girl.  I wish we got to hear her name, but that’s not important and at least Y did.

    The book as a whole was very smart and had high brow humor, and I really appreciated that.  But it was very real too.  It was like the total package!  The blend of Y’s naivety, determination, passion, brains, and smartass side made for a great character.  The mystery of 355 complimented it well because we knew just about nothing from her, and everything about him.

    I do have much love for the final issue, as much as I like the conclusion in Paris.  What happened after Paris and that the world was back to the same problems (Iran and the nuke, countries were still independent and not living in harmony) but also the same life, albeit without men.  I enjoyed seeing the developments in the story, seeing Mann’s work, finding out that Beth and Hero are a couple (talk about weird), Amp’s death, and how Y really changed after 355 died.  That issue talked about a lot in with such little to actually say.  I feel like I’m missing something on the last flashback at the plane crash, but I guess they wanted to end the memory of Y & 355 on a good note.  Oh, and I thought Beth #2 would have been a great woman for Y…she was very strong, smart, living in reality…but he was not the same man after 355 was gone.  You can see that cynicism in the conversation with his clone.  It’s almost as if he’d gone through war himself.  I know I said this before, but check out the buildings in the Paris of the future…no more skyscrapers but a very telling design.  :lol:

    I am somewhat familiar with the Eastern religions and thoughts.  I have some friends that are more serious about it, so they regularly do yoga or something similarly spiritual.  I have learned a lot in this past year that for the most part, you don’t control anything except how you react to the world.  Very hard to accept that and even more so to get to a place where you really feel at peace, but it’s worth the journey.  I was more or less forced into it, have had a rough ride, but have grown from it.

    I don’t consider it babble, and I know what it’s like to feel like you can’t do anything but talk about the experience.  I know letting it out is a good way to relieve some pressure, but from my own experience I got the best response from mostly strangers (say, internet friends) because they had a more objective view on things and I didn’t feel like I was being a whiner to my friends.

    I’m not sure how the Army psychologist and psychiatrist operate, but I know that it takes a lot of willpower to attempt treatment for any mental/emotional ills.  It’s not that we want to suffer, it’s just hard to change yourself and more so when people are doing it in such a way that you feel being you is wrong.

    Frimmel gave some great suggestions, I have a good feeling he is better versed in the recommendations.  I have been intending to read the Watchmen, which definitely sounds what you are looking for. Sandman & Preacher are also biggies, but I don’t think it matches your criteria.

    I will again praise Gantz, unfortunately you have to buy them and can’t them online (except maybe bittorrent).  It’s not so much a “what if” but “maybe your reality isn’t what you think it is.”  It’s much more graphic than Y, but even more gritty and unrelenting about commenting on social issues or humans and emotion.  If you can’t take gore or some nudity avoid it, but it is sci fi and always raises the ante.  It’s currently up to something like 380 issues, lol.

  • I forgot about new details for the movie.

    Shia LaBeouf will play Yorick.
    Alicia Keys will play 355.

    It’s slated to be out in 2009, but no specific date.  It also will be condensed (how could you fit everything in the movie???), but I’ve heard talk of interest in making more than 1 movie.

    I don’t think  everything will translate well, but I’d love to see how they do.

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