Scenario B would be correct. The rules specifically say that while it is legal to onload troops onto friendly transports, they must onload on your turn, and may only be offloaded on your next turn. The U.K may not offload the troops for you or you may not hop scotch using a transport.
Q: Global victory condition
According to the rulebook p 31 “The Axis win the game by controlling any 14 victory cities for a complete round of play as long as they control an Axis capital.” What means “a complete round of play”? Let suppose that Japan captures the 14th victory city, UK manages to take Axis down to 13 but Italy again increases the total count to 14. What happens when the round ends?
a) Axis win because the round is complete after France has taken its turn
b) Axis do not win because " a complete round of play" means that every other opposing power has taken a turn after the capture of the 14th victory city. In other words, Axis cannot win before Soviet Union has taken a turn (the only Ally that has not taken a turn after the capture of the 14th victory city by Japan)
b) Axis do not win because " a complete round of play" means that Axis have to continuously hold 14 victory cities throughout the whole round. In other words, Axis cannot win before ANZAC has taken its turn to ensure that each Ally has had a chance to react to the capture of the 14th victory city by Italy.
Welcome, Udutont!
The answer is “c”. This is explained on page 24 of the Rulebook.
Hmm….this victory condition seems to make winning even tougher for Axis.
In any case, thank you for the reply!