Looks good, lets test it out.
Germans should get some obsticles for free, 4 free pill boxes and 3 sandbaged MG42.
I also think allied infantry should be allowed an attack to destoy obsticles. On thier movement phase you can declare an infantry to destroy an obsticle in an ajacent hex (basically the infantry is placing the explosive). On the attack phase the obsticle is destroyed on a roll of 4 or higher.
Only think the only thing missing is the German artilary firing on the beach. How do you recreate that?
How about a similtanuous game on a seperate map, round for round. With US para having to take out some german artilary in a hedgerow. Until they destoy the artilary, the artilary fires on all beach units. I’m not sure how to use the artilary. I’m thinking on the d-day map, at the beginning of the movement phase, roll three dice. On three sucesses the unit gets a face up disrupted counter. Rolling three sixes and the unit is immediatly destroyed. Again this is just an artilary attack for any units on the beach.
DZ, I’ve never seen your comments about this but I have some more ideas. I still like the idea about the sandbagged MG42 and pillboxes. I think both side should have
Artilery-Bombardment (I actually stole this from another scenario)
Germans would be able to target the beach hexes, only the beach.
After the iniative phase the German player would roll one die. The result is the number of units disrupted by the artilery bombardment. (Germans players choice for disrupted units)
The allied warships will be able to target a certain number of hexes inland.
After the German Artilery phase, the allied player will roll two die. The result is the number of units disrupted by the naval bombardment. Units in pillboxes are not affected. It costs three to disrupt a sanbaged unit. (Allied players chioce for disrupted units)