not to my knowledge. there are units in war at Sea that units can split their main gunnery, but u cant stack units to get more attack dice. all units roll independently
RE: NEW 3" Geomorphic Maps coming SOON!!!!
Armchair Generals,
Yep, Historic Battlefronts is BACK - and this time with a vengeance!!!
WotC has approved my map designs and they all sport the new AAM “Official Product” logo. (See Below)
Check out HBF’s new map - Gazala 1942. This map is Geomorphic (can be joined together side by side or end to end to make a larger battlefield).
This map features a lot of town hexes, desert sand and scrub terrain, very few trees, huge hills for artillery and more… (See Below)
And as usual, the detail will knock your socks off… (See Below)
Check out my new map - Solomon Islands 1942. This map is also Geomorphic (can be joined together side by side or end to end to make a larger battlefield). (See Below)
This map features water, jungle, sand, jungle, sand, more jungle, more sand, a large hill and 2 buildings. Check out the realism of this map - you’ll feel like your stepping off the LCI yourself! (See Below)
Oh yeah - did I mention that all hexes have co-ordinates? Hide mines, men, etc…AND you can play online!!
PLEASE NOTE: My website has not yet been updated, but should be by the end of June 2008. Also, my other maps (Stalingrad 1942 both 100m and 10m, and France 1944 10m) are also being re-tooled and will become available over the next month or so.
WotC has commissioned me to create 6 new maps - so if you like the detail of these maps, you can expect the same when the next maps are released!FRONTLINE NEWS
I know, I know, I know - It’s been started and stopped so many times, that you don’t know if you are coming or going. I am still trying to get it off the ground for October 1, 2008. If you are interested in submitting articles, ideas, scenarios, etc., or would like to be on the MAILING LIST to receive it, just email me at -
This looks exciting!
Although I like to build my own maps, I also like to use new terrain. Maybe a Solomon Island map will get me using my Japanese army!
Let us know when they’re ready and the ways to order them
and congrats on getting a piece of the Wizards pie.
I bought the HBF Stalingrad map last year and I have to say it’s great. I will probably look at and probably buy at least one.
Glad to see you’re back… By the way my M-10 tank destroyer proved to be almost perfectly acurate for your create a new unit contest. I demand a recount… LOL.
As a matter of fact I believe my stats are better and based more on fact.
BTW I have to say that Gazala map is awesome and looks like it has a lot of posibilities. Are yo ugoing to put out scenarios for it?