@panther I did not know this, thank you
Japan Kill America First
A month or two ago I posted this strategy for Japan in AAR about taking the heat of Germany and taking the Mnr US VC in Nth America
A strategy employed to annoy the USA is to land units in Alaska and take the pressure of Germany so they can take Moscow. But why not take this one step further and focus on taking LA/San Fran?
This is an alternate Japanese strategy to that of the Moscow/Berlin race that is seen in most games. This could be taken over to global '40 but it would be a lot harder to preform. Also could be used for spring '42.
For this strategy to be implemented you will need to following things to have happened:
Allies play the standard KGF
No UK factory in india
No US factory in China/Sinkijiang
Here is the standard move for J1 on this strategy:
India capture with inf in FIC and Shanghai transport used to move inf from Shanghai to FIC and air support.
Move 2 inf from Japan to Shanghai with sz60 tran.
2 inf 6 Ipc
2 Art 8 ipc
2 Tran 16 ipc
total 30 ipcEarned 33 Ipc
Shanghai tran that will be close to FIC moved to sz 61 and move 2inf from Japan to Manchuria and move them into Shanghai.
You will have in:
Shanghai: 5 inf
Japan: 2inf, 3art,1 arm, 1 Bmr and maybe 1 fighter
India, FIC, Manchuria 2-3 inf and maybe 1 fighter in eachBuild:
same as J1Ipc earned 33 left over from buy 3 total 36
Take china with air support 2-3 fighters and 5 inf in Shanghai
Only if no SU forces in it and 2-3 inf plus fighter in it.Build
Same as J1at the end of this turn you should have:
Japan: 4inf, 5art, 1arm
SZ60: 1bb, 6 tranJ4 this is the important turn
Invade Alaska with 3 tran carrying 1 inf + 1art each. Use your BB bombardment to kill the inf. If Alaska has to large a force in it use all 6 tran and take all units out of Japan or use your trans to shuck units onto the mainland and push for Moscow. You shoudn’t have to do this as Britain and the USA will be focussed on taking Berlin and preforming D-DAY.
After you have taken Alaska you will be earning 37 IPC per turn.
You have 36 IPC to spendBuy
3 inf 9
2 art 8
2 tran 16
total 33end turn IPC total 40
Japan: 4 INF, 4 ART, 1 ARM
SZ60: 5 tran
Alaska: 3 INF, 3 ART
SZ 63: 1 BB, 3 TRANJ5
4 TRANS shuck 4 inf + art to Alaska
3 trans in sz63 return to sz 60Build
4INF, 4 ART12 ipc to do what you want with
earn the 37 plus what you didn’t spend
same as J5 build and move 4art+inf to Alaska
Move 4 tran back to sz60 from 63J7…
same as J6when you have a big enough force probably J6 move units into Western Canada. Every NCM move units that landed in Alaska to WC and strike at LA and place build units into there and try and hold from the American counter. If succesful build up your force and strike at Washington. Even without taking Washington you will win as the US forces will be trying to take LA back from you and with Calcutta and LA under your control if you and Germany have lost no VC’s you have 8 if Germany take Lenningrad or Moscow you win if Playing LHTR. If not and going for 10 vc’s Germany should be able to take Moscow and win. If playing 12 you will attack Washington and Germany will attack London. You should still win with both of you sending forces through the former SU and through Africa to collect IPC for yourselves and take them from UK.
This seems easy in concept but is hard to pull off but if successful you will win easily. Because of its diffuclty to be successful players usually stay in Alaska/WC and threaten LA rather than attempt to take it.
I tried it in revised and pulled of the capture of LA but not Washington as Moscow had been weakened by a huge German force about 6 ing, 6 art, 30 arm against about 45 SU inf We also had leningrad and calcutta so we won with one to many VC’s (We played LHTR)The Uk and US 1-2 punch in France failed as the US had to try and retake two VC’s in one turn
I’m now going to try and attempt to convert this into a G40 strat while still taking China and Far eastern Russia.
We assume that Russia moves 18 inf into Bry
Also will only see pacific side of the board as what happens in Europe doesn’t affect it much except if US starts spending Money in the Pacific
J1 build
2 tran
save 0Attack
Hun and Yun with normal forcesTake Amu with forces in Korea and Man
Take Cha and Anh with forces in Jeh and Sha
Take FIC with forces in siam
Hun and Yun loses may be different to what I show. But thats ok as it doesn’t majorly affect the strat.NCM
Fig For-Japan
Fig Okin-Japan
Inf Okin v/ tran Z20-19-20 -Ksi
DD,CV,Tact,Fig Z33-36
CC,DD,BB,SS Z19-36Place
Mnr in Shanghai
2 tran Z6Collect
33Now some assumptions to be made
US retreats from Phil with fig to guam
2 inf v/tran to Z23
DD - Z23It doesnt matter if US doesn’t retreat from Phil it will mean you will occur some loses though
Lets assume China takes back Yun and strengths its positionI have entered in some standard Brit and ANZAC moves.
J1 complete J2 coming soon
Jap KAF J1.AAM -