I just noticed the sovyetsky Soyuz was on your list. That’s actually in the fleet command set. Nice big ship.
New War at Sea set
I’ll be in for a case, split with a friend. That way we can each build our fleets a bit. Thats all I need as I’m not concerned about having each piece.
I’ll probably grab a booster or two or maybe just try to find the units I want. I’m fairly casual about my War at Sea play.
I’m curious as to what they’ll put in the set.
Any idea on what to expect? Are there any hopes you guys have that will be included in this set?
I don’t really expect anything in the way of new abilities. Other than the Graf Spee and Yorktown and the Missouri most of the most famous ships came out in set 1.
I really expect a lot of rehash. Missouri for instance was an Iowa class ship. Unless I’m incorrect about the abilities thing how different will it be than the Iowa? I don’t see that they have a lot of places to go with this game except to start creating a mess of complexity largely for its own sake. I also fear a lot of ‘power creep.’
Back on the Missouri unless you make it more powerful or create a niche in the game that only she can fill what is to recommend it over the Iowa? Hopefully it will just be Iowa- Apples and Missouri-Oranges but the way these sorts of games usually go Iowa will be made obsolete.
Still my fleet is fairly limited and a few more ships won’t hurt but I’m not in this for cases and cases.
you can count me in for at least 3 cases. :evil:
New preview is up!
The Kamikazes are neat and so is the ability of the Laffey but that model is terrible. :x
And that ship is also the definition of ‘power creep.’ Aren’t the Fletchers 9 points? A ship that can’t be blown up by bombs? Yonks.
Man that thing looks like it’s made of clay :|
Many of the common and uncommon models aren’t really much better than the Laffey. The bigger Rare boats are pretty.
I guess they can’t make any money putting out stuff that really is nice. There must be some other business model for these games that would get nicer models than what they have but not put it into Warhammer or Flames of Europe price points.
Some sort of pre-set task forces or something? Carriers and planes, BB and escorts, support and escorts. Or scenario packs? Buy this and you can play out these half dozen battles.
I’m pretty much done chasing rares in these games by buying a bunch of packs. I don’t mind spending money but I mind spending it and not getting what I want.
those Barracudas are pretty cool, the initiative SA Makes them real attractive
amd they look cooler then the stringbags.
And the previews keep coming.
Third Task Force preview now available. Those are two new Special Abilities aren’t they? Stalwart and Flotilla leader?
San Francisco needs to go in with your flagship escort ships.
yes frimmel, they are new. Now they just need to put Flotilla Leader on One of Jintsu’s Sisters
yes frimmel, they are new. Now they just need to put Flotilla Leader on One of Jintsu’s Sisters
Most of the SA’s have mirrors in the other fleet don’t they?
A few do, but surprisingly Set 1 did not have many SA that went on both sides, Set 2 will most likely be the same