I could have told you that, if you had asked! Will remember for future reference.
Welcome again to the forum. Enjoy it. There are lots of good people here.
Wow! In just over 2 years I have made 20,000 posts to these boards.
I NEED to get a LIFE!
Heavy bomber for the past 10,000 posts… is there nothing more?
Nope… still a Heavy Bomber… Just like I have been for the past 15,000 posts…
lol, heavy bomber that needs another hobby…
congrats switch, but you talk to much. :-D
Wow! In just over 2 years I have made 20,000 posts to these boards.
I NEED to get a LIFE!
Heavy bomber for the past 10,000 posts… is there nothing more?
And just WHY did you feel the need to mention that?
Oh yeah . . .
Post Count +1 :roll:
(Oh, and why did I feel like commenting? Post count +1 of course :roll:)