Another great learning path you can take is 1941, 1942, and finally 1940. More complicated/bigger usually equals more fun and more time-consuming.
Anniversary is still the most popular among loyal but infrequent gamers.
I’m playing axis and it’s Germany’s turn.
EE - 13inf, 8 armor, 5ftr, 1 bomber
Fin - 3inf, 1 armor
Ukraine - 2inf
Kerelia - 27inf, 4 armor, 1ftr, 1 bomber, 1AA
Should I go for it!?
Other factors: Russia has almost nothing to counter - 1inf in Cauc and 1 armor in Russia.
The Brits have 2inf and 3 armor in GB with 4 trans and an AC in the GBsz.
The Yanks have 3inf and 1 armor in WE with 3 trans in the WEsz.
The Yanks also have 1 tran and a couple of tanks and inf. in EUS.
Germany has 10inf in Germany.
It may be 3 or 4 more turns ( 2 if I’m lucky) before Japan is knocking on Russia’s door.
What do you mean?
Are you saying you want to attack Karelia?
Whats in Archangel, Belorussia and West Russia?
Do it! Fortune favors the bald……or is it bold?
I didn’t do it, but I won the game.
Tekkyy, not playing the revised game.
sorry I was so confused lol