I’m playing axis and it’s Germany’s turn.
EE - 13inf, 8 armor, 5ftr, 1 bomber
Fin - 3inf, 1 armor
Ukraine - 2inf
Kerelia - 27inf, 4 armor, 1ftr, 1 bomber, 1AA
Should I go for it!?
Other factors: Russia has almost nothing to counter - 1inf in Cauc and 1 armor in Russia.
The Brits have 2inf and 3 armor in GB with 4 trans and an AC in the GBsz.
The Yanks have 3inf and 1 armor in WE with 3 trans in the WEsz.
The Yanks also have 1 tran and a couple of tanks and inf. in EUS.
Germany has 10inf in Germany.
It may be 3 or 4 more turns ( 2 if I’m lucky) before Japan is knocking on Russia’s door.