Spring 42 is pretty close to balanced. 0-3 to Allies would be the expected bid range. Over at GTO, people play with preplaced Allied bids (from Russia 3 to UK6) but these extra units are not placed in critical locations, and are therefore less useful than a single infantry placed in Egypt or Karelia would be.
Question on - Destroyers from "friendly" countries in zone with attacking planes
Ok… here the scenario…
Rd2 Britian moves its battleship and purchases (Carrier / 2 Destroyers) to seas zone occupied by German sub. When the US goes later in RD2 they attempt to attack the sub with a bomber (sighting that a “friendly” destroyer is in the seazone). Is this the correct interpertation of the rules?
There can be no multinational attacks (pag 21 of the manual) thus the UK destroyer does not count when you attack the German submarine with the US since it can’t participate on the attack.
This scenario is described on the Submarine Section of the AA50 FAQ.
Hobbes is correct. The destroyer must be in the battle, not just in the sea zone.