Clarify - moving sea units from base, combat

  • 2 questions to clairfy the rules.

    1. For all your sea units (undamage) you must spend supply tokens to enter them onto the board ?

    2. If an artillery is involved in a sea attack, can it also be involved in a land attack?

  • Official Q&A


    1. For all your sea units (undamage) you must spend supply tokens to enter them onto the board ?

    No, you only need to spend supplies to move them onto the board during the Deployment phase.  If you don’t want to spend supplies, you can just wait until the next turn’s Movement phase and move them onto the board normally at that time.  It takes one movement point to move from your Base Card to one of the Route to Base sea zones (with the red arrows) on the board, and vice versa.


    2. If an artillery is involved in a sea attack, can it also be involved in a land attack?

    Yes, any unit that has attack values in multiple combat steps can fire once during each of those steps, assuming it survives the previous ones.

  • I also found it confusing about getting ships from the base card. I don’t think the rules are clear about moving units from the base cards.

  • Me too.  We were using one supply token for every ship sent and only sending them during the resupply phase.  We were spending huge amounts of money getting ships onto the board.  No wonder our game was dragging on way past turn five.

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