AAE Scenario: Europe 1939 (France, USA, Germany, Britain, USSR, Italy)

  • Sounds good. Now all we need is germany here. :evil:

  • You must teach me the ways of play by forum.

  • @Admiral_Thrawn:

    You must teach me the ways of play by forum.

    we will use the in house dice. i think you already have the hang of it
    ;aaa n@h n@h n@h;
    replace ; with  :
    replace n with the number of units of that type
    replace h with the hit value of that unit

    so belrussia: 3inf, 1 art vs. 2inf, 1 tank, s.
    DiceRolls: 2@1 2@2; Total Hits: 12@1: (2, 6)2@2: (4, 1)vs.
    DiceRolls: 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 12@2: (6, 2)1@3: (4)

  • Round 2- belrussia 1inf, 1 art vs. 1 inf, 1 tank
    DiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (1, 3)vs.
    DiceRolls: 1@2 1@3; Total Hits: 11@2: (3)1@3: (1)

  • then you would contuine untill you retreaed or won… the defender may have to post an OOL before hand. but here is a basic turn should look like. i copied this so the results arn’t highlighted.

    purachase 2 art and 8inf for 32 ipcs.

    Combat moves:

    W. Russia: 3  inf vs 1 inf
    3 inf moscow

    E. europe: 2 inf, 2  fig vs 1 inf, 1art
    2 inf ukraine
    2 fig caucus

    Balkans: 1inf, 1art vs. 1inf
    1inf, 1 art ukraine


    W. Russia: 3  inf vs 1 inf
    DiceRolling 3d6:
    (2, 2, 4)

    DiceRolling 1d6:

    E. europe: 2 inf, 2  fig vs 1 inf, 1art
    DiceRolling 2d6 2d6:
    (5, 6)  (3, 4)

    DiceRolling 2d6:
    (2, 3)

    Balkans: 1inf, 1art vs. 1inf
    DiceRolling 2d6:
    (1, 4)

    DiceRolling 1d6:

  • DiceRolls: 3@2 1@3; Total Hits: 23@2: (4, 1, 6)1@3: (2)

  • just practicing :-)

  • skiped a few rounds of combat. also a full unit(everyone) report should be placed a tleast at the end of us turn.

    W. russia taken with 1 inf. ( 10 rounds of combat.  :-o )
    E. europe: cleared with 2 figs.  angry  angry 2.3% of that hapenning. ( most people run frodd before the battle i do it after.  rolleyes)
    Balkans:  taken wiht 1 art  undecided

    2 fig ee 4 arm cauc> ukr
    1 arm cauc > belo
    1 arm cauc > Krelia
    2 inf sink,  5 inf Yakut > novosibrisk
    1 inf yakut  > soveit far east

    place units: 2art, 2inf > cauc, 8 inf > moscow

    collects income  31 ipcs + 0 saved = 31 ipc

    Blalkans: 1art
    Kareila: 1 tanks + 1 uk art
    Belo: 1 russian + 1 uk tank( 2 tanks)
    UKraine: 1 AA, 2 Inf, 2 Art, 5 Arm 2 fig
    w. russia: 1 inf
    cauc 2inf 2 art + 1 uk aa
    moscow: 8 inf, 1 aa
    novosibrisk: 7 inf
    yakut 1 inf
    soviet far east: 1 inf

  • I think I understand. Not too difficult. :wink:

  • That dice rolling is really neat. I like it. Play by forum a lot?

  • @Admiral_Thrawn:

    That dice rolling is really neat. I like it. Play by forum a lot?

    not really March was my last game. finish it in may. it was really long because 5 people and different time zones. damn Australians.  :wink:  :lol:

  • Well at least you get to talk and play with some interesting people. Luckley I get to play some form of A&A 3 or 4 times month with a couple buddies. I haven’t been able to play for awhile. Withdrawls… :cry:

  • Well, when one day Gewehr returns you can show him how to play by email and we can play.

  • @cyan:

    i think finland should be consiidered a light pink terrotry. it has to be attacked to be under soveit control. finland went to war with both countries.  and wasn’t allied in 1939.
    edit: consider vybrog finnish. that way they can produce an infantry per turn in finland. germany contols finland and vybrog.(handles their incomes separate and stuff) could produce 8 ipcs if very lucky.

    this idea admiral, but too lazy to quote myself. hope cyan doesn’t sue me for copyright protection.  :lol: :lol:

    everything you need Gewhr is on this page to learn the rules of by forum. also read my quote and know your own bloody rules on page one. when you okay, i’ll start a thread and you can post. if some one want to help the admiral they better say so before Gewhr comes back. and i’m trying to keep this page the top page.

  • Sounds good to me.

  • Well, could we play  the “normaol”/“original” rules.
    That way theres no confusion.  :-)

    the only thing I would like to add, is that the only country that can attake the pink terirories is the SU (Hitler-Stalin Nonagression Act) Even if Hitler did blitz his way into east poland, he would have had to back out due to the act.

    He, hey Thrawn, that means that if you play as all the allies then you’ll technically have to invade your own terirori.  :lol:

  • that not a very normal way to spell that word.  :wink: okay you can stay with you rules. i thought it was simple just let finland have the abilty to fight the ussr like it did. it would slow down a massive militry build up in moscow.

  • Here are some of my suggestions at changing the setup when someone plays this scenerio next time.
    1. Italy should have battleship no subs-There biggest contribution was there navy
    2. Netherlands Belgium should have 2 Inf.-They had armies too
    3. Maybe cut back Yougoslavia to 3 or 2inf. Germans had no problem occupying the country
    4. Give the UK another destroyer or 2-Seems extremely weak. Maybe One off of Canada
    5. Give US the start off like from the chart in AAE
    6. Delayed entranced of Italy,Bulgaria,Rumania,Hungary,Finland-Italy should not join the axis until Poland,Netherlands-Belgium,And eastern France are conquered. The rest joins with free armies after Denmark,Yougoslavia, Greece, Crete, France, and Norway are conquered.
    7.Surprise Attack For Axis attacks SU. All units defend on a 1 for the first combat move against them.
    like Pacific first move

  • News report. - mid to late april 1940.
    Germany and Italy are at war with the queendom and the republic of france. On the western front the magiot line as been pulled back just east of Paris. trenchs have been dug at a last defence line aroung the Sine river and its tributaries. ot resembles  the great war with massive german and french armies starring at each other, each too afraid to make a move. the italians control the port cities of Marseille and tolun with much of the southern sectors.  the french airforce has been recently reduced to oblivion when after being postiton in algerra try to liberate the mederterrian from italian hands. Canada the the UK are slowly build up but lack naval domonice. If Paris fall will britian be able to liberate them. the Britsh are all ready digging in with a large force in egypt.( don’t they know trenchs don’t really work in the sand guess italy will have to give them an a** whopping)  with out this vital oil transporation will be greatly reduced wit the italians staring greedily at them from libya.

    in thw east front everything is quiet and a slow build up is occuring but WHERE is america?

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