Why can’t everyone share like Angel and I do? :roll:
I’d like to think I would be ok with this, but am not sure. Maybe send Angel my way to test? 8-)
And no offense (you may not have meant this anyway), but I’m currently not interested in dudes for sexual companionship. Playing a good game of A&A is a different story…
Did they take the Adultery clause out of the 10 commandments?
Although the definition of “adultery” differs in nearly every legal system, the common theme is sexual relations outside of marriage, in one form or another.
Hmm…you may be right about that. But that is considering sexual intercourse between a married man and someone not his wife. Does it refer to non-married people, too?
Well, the English definition is cheating on ones wife.
I think the contemporary definition is more synonymous with infidelity, but it originally may not have been exact. Either way, “cheating” is at the core.