This is just an update regarding upcoming items of interest for the Axis & Allies upcoming Tournament season. The Smorey Swamp (see link below) has been updated with this years Origins/GEN CON schedule of AA events. Check it out. Also, GEN CON event registration starts today so don’t delay in getting signed up.
A few other important notes:
Origins: I have listed on the Swamp the events I will be running at Origins. Please note there are no ID numbers because they have not issued any to date. Also, regarding the AA Mega Tournament-Origins, if you plan on playing, it is paramount that you and your partner register. This event will sell out and there are only a limited amount of seats available.
There will be an Europe/Pacific Tournament at Origins but one must go to the Swamp for details. This event will NOT be listed in the pre-registration book. That also goes for the AA mini Slugfest II that will be running throughout the weekend in the Axis & Allies Area. Since I do NOT know what type of schedule WotC/AH will have regarding AA Mini’s, I went ahead and schedule space to have the AA mini event again but did NOT list it in the pre-reg. booklet. At this time, it is only Mini’s and NOT War At Sea. Though, if anyone is wanting to play, I am all up for looking at getting something started on that front as well…
As for particular games. We seem to be getting some feedback regarding the Battle of the Bulge balance of play. If you are interested in this game and wanting to play in the tournaments this year, please go to Avalon Hill Community link and comment on the forums regarding such. If you have any questions, fire away.
A big reminder for all those on the West Coast; GEN CON So. Cal will NOT be happening. IT has been officially cancelled. So, if you are wanting to get into some of the best FTF AA tournament play in the country, if not the world, plan now for making the trek to either of these great CON’s! I also have no idea what the future holds for GCSC either…?
Last, I will be out of town next week on business in Emmitsburg Md. For anyone that lives in the neighborhood and would like to get together to play some AA or just get together, that is were I will be…
Please feel free to pass this on to your buddies that might not be on my e-mail list. All the links you need to go to for GEN CON, Origins, AHC, WBC, Larry Harris’ site and the like are on the Swamp…if I missed anything, I apologize and I will do my best to include it the next time around.
Thanks for your time and consideration and look forward to seeing you guys this summer.
Gregory J. Smorey
Axis & Allies Tournament GM, GEN CON/Origins
A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. --General George S. Patton