the nuke thing i meant if they nuke us we nuke them… sorry for that mis understanding… so are you guys saying you agree or disagree
Posts made by zerohour49
RE: Will North Korea launch nuclear missiles towards the U.S.A
RE: Will North Korea launch nuclear missiles towards the U.S.A
Ok… sorry it has took me months to reply but i have read and thought about everyone’s opinions and facts but didnt Gen Patton say “YOU SHOULDNT OVERESTIMATE AN ENEMY…”
And to the people that is in Canada I have not one problem with you or your leaders but you have flaws as do we but no country can not have nuclear weapons or weapons without seriously risking their country… Seriously think of countries in the past that didnt have much of a military… Poland was 1 in WW2 and did you notice how fast Germany took ova them it was quick and fast and Poland couldnt do much about it besides ask for help… Also you guys from Canada think about this if a theif or cerial killer has a gun and brakes into your house but you dont have a gun… in all logical thinking the guy with the gun is going to win… So my point is we are involved in Middle East and we dont have as much as a defence as some (including myself) thinks… and do you really think Obama is going to strengthen that weekness ( i do not have a problem with Obama)… To many people (leaders and government) are wanting to cut out weapons of mass desrtuction and all that stuff (i see their point) but we need to have a defence we need something to defend ourselves… because there are people in this world (like terrorists) that would just kill and kill and we couldnt stop and if we did we would have a heavy loss victory… Also think people from Canada if you people dont have guns then what are you going to do if your government makes a crazy decision and people goes crazy, you wont have a rebellion becuase you dont have anything to fight reasonablely with remember you have no weapons fight with besides um what bats… the government would kil you fast… they would crush every and any rebellion because the people have nothing to fight with… thats why 1 of america’s admanments is the right to bear arms because the founding fathers that made that was thiinkg what if in the future this gov makes a very bad choice and by making that decision they made it where if we didnt like the decision we could show a force to either set up a new gov or get them to remove that decision… So we need nucs and we need a military for the defence side of things just in case we are attacked and also i do have weapons because if we are are attacked and our military cant stop the enemy … im going to give them (the enemy) hell with my weapons… Remeber Canada i have nothing against you or your people or your leaders but i dont want a man without a weapon fighting me without a weapon i want a man with a gun… do you see my opinion… i still want to know what you think about what i said and still give me your opinion about n/k threats and what is your idea on the middle east war so keep on replying and such… -
RE: Will North Korea launch nuclear missiles towards the U.S.A
Well if there was a war Japan and South Korea vs North KOrea we know japan and south korea would prob own on North Korea but i think if japan and south korea started to push out north korea and start to threatin china territoryy china would no doubt get involved… then usa would more than likely get along… but we all remember the vietnam conflict our soilders basically had to fight with thier hands tied behind their backs… and if america got involved i think the un would keep usa fighting with our hands tied behind our back… Because people now think that we shouldnt elimmentate socialism or communism we should just put a leash on it… but as we all know that has not worked… I dont know what will happen but I do know 1 thing if there was a war and america got involved i think it would be another world war (world war 3) and the war ould be between capitalism vs socialism… or democracy vs communism… and i know capitalism and democracy is much better than soicalism and communism… but if america got involved we would be in bad shape after the war because we have a prob in middle east and we have an economy prob… but we maybe could make it… To bring up a new topic if there was another war what countries would be on america, japan, and south korea who would be on that side and who would be on china and north korea’s side… So plzz keep on replyin and tell me what countries you think would join which side… So plzz do that and thanks again
RE: Will North Korea launch nuclear missiles towards the U.S.A
Ok so your saying we need to wait it out ignore their threats and treat them like some dude from a mental house threating to kill the president …. North Korea is a country with nucs and when they threat our country we should take it serously… not like a stupid fool from a mental house… Remember North Korea is a communist country and china basically raised them and made them into it… (if you remember korean war)… and believe me im almost for certain that if north korea invades so will china and yes we may have uk and japan and south korea and france with us but think do you really think any country would join us escpeciallyt when the economy is low and america is getting close to bankruptsy and if there was a war this would cost lots of money and with the economy low if i was japan south korea or uk, i would tell usa to tuf it out because if i was the leader of those countrys i would think its not worth my people and my money to enter a fight that was not meant for me… but on youtube there is a speech that gen patton gives about war on terror or something like that some1 made it up but its really good you should see it… but im nervous about our country’s future we need to survive as a freedom based country! but thx every1 lets keep this going and i would still like to know what you would think
:-D keep on repling -
RE: Will North Korea launch nuclear missiles towards the U.S.A
I am not a politition I am a us citizen and im am worried about our country’s future but anyway if we only let japan and south korea deal with north korea then im almost certain china will get envolved because china and north korea are like bros. Then China can be a real threat then i think U.S. will get invovled… and with our currunt econonmy probs this would hurt U.S. greatly and i am southern i live in Ten. so plzz tell me what you think about our current prob… thx and plzz reply =)
Will North Korea launch nuclear missiles towards the U.S.A
Will North Korea launch nucs towards the U.S.A and possibly attack the U.S.? My personal opinion is that North Korea will if we keep on ignoring them and making it seem like they are not a threat. If we keep this up they will attack. Although if we treat their threat like a real threat and do something about it. Meaning tell North Korea to stop or we will send military resources to stop this terror causing fear. Then North Korea will stop and basically shut-up. We do not need any more threats and fear to strike the American people because now we have a economy problem and the war on terror and now with North Korea threating the U.S. people will panic! So do you think North Korea is possing a threat will they attack U.S.A or not? PLEASE give your opinion
RE: What do you think of General George S. Patton?
3. He was AWOL…so what? Get him out of there so he doesn’t ruin morale. Corporal punishment isn’t necessary.
He was ruining moral because because he was sitting in the medical tent crying like a baby in there were wounded veterans were laying wounded because they were in combat. This guy gets a free pass because he was shell shocked… not wounded. So he had no reason to be in the med. tent! So what was 1 way to get this pussy to fight when he had nothing wrong with him… You smack it out of him!!! As in your picture I noticed that you have a child… So I bet you that you have spanked or slapped or some type of corperal punishment when your kid is behaving inappropiatly. and plus Patton needed every man he could use to win the war… and plus it worked corperal punishment fixed him to help. -
RE: U.S. Marine Raiders vs. German S.S.
every1 who watches diedleist warrior please suggest that because i love that show and i would love to see who would win
RE: I have another house rule but I need help with it. So please read!!
So as the defender you bring in 2 reinf 2nd wave. The attacker doesn’t like the odds and has no eligible units to reinf so he retreats. The defender would then have to pull his 2 reinf units back and they would be idle for 1 complete round? Sounds like a good bluff and you might hold on to the country. Keeping track of idle units might be hard, because you could end up with several nations with idle units causing some confusion. Don’t get me wrong I like the idea of the defender having options for reinforcements or retreat. I think its silly to think the defender would just sit there and let the enemy dictate the battle with out using all his resources. Maybe someone else will chime in with an idea or two.
yeah hopefuly
RE: I have another house rule but I need help with it. So please read!!
As the attacker you have an advantage. This would take some of that advantage away. If the defender is allowed reinf 2nd wave of battle the attacker may just retreat. This could also swing the advantage to the defender as he would now have 2 more units at the front to use in attack on his turn. I have seen air units able to defend adjacent territories, even from an aircraft carrier(AC). Maybe in the 2nd wave of battle. (1st wave if you have radar). That way you don’t get to advance units to the front, planes would have to land back where they came from. Might consider a defensive retreat,(maybe only after 2nd round of battle) this would allow you to keep some of your units if they survive. If you do end up using a reinf rule I like limiting it @ 2 units, any more would be to much of an advantage. I’m not sure why you wouldn’t give this rule to the attacker, maybe only if the defender dose it first. It would be harder for the attacker to bring in reinf as many times he has thrown everything at you, or his units have no movement left to join the battle. hope this helps.
so maybe the attacker can have 1 unit of reinforcement or that the defender has to move his reinforcement troops back to the territory they caME from and the defender can not move those troops or attack with those troops until the entire turn ( turn meaning every country goes) is over
RE: What do you think of General George S. Patton?
look. I never said i know more than him but im sure he knows alot about it and so do i. I have studied ww2 since i was in 3rd grade. I love it. He may know more than me idk lol. but who cares basicaly he thinks Patton was not a good general and he thinks he was a wortheless man. Well that ludicrous. I am just in defence ,but if he believes Patton was so bad then why dont he prove it to me.
RE: U.S. Marine Raiders vs. German S.S.
I believe Marine Raiders would win. Because look up their training on internet ,but it was hard they were taught like to never hit the ground and if they did they would roll off of it and then stand up lol. For example 1 of their drill was to dive and roll and while rolling as they got up to hit a bulls eye with their shovel lol and they did. I think it was like 5 or 6 marine raiders took on over 200 japs and marines won lol it was crazy
U.S. Marine Raiders vs. German S.S.
Who would win Marine Raiders or S.S.?
RE: What do you think of General George S. Patton?
He was an excellent general but he did some things I didn’t like. He slapped 2 U.S. G.I.s.
Of course he did, they gave him no other choice. They was in hospital. Soldiers dont belong in hospitals. Real soldiers fight or die. Real soldiers dont say, - Ohh I am sick today, so I cant kill anybody. Now if I was Patton I would have slapped their butts and used my knee on their face too, just as they deserved.
Well if he was a real General, he wouldn’t have been in the hospital.
well your wrong. because your saying that only good generals do not care for their men but i protest. Because Gen. Patton cared for his men because he was going to check on them and give them medals (like purple heart). Well good for you that you think generals are horable if they dont care for there men
So wrong you had to tell me twice, huh?
Well, all I know is that you going around slapping people, especially your own soldiers, you’re a POS.
He was a fine general, but a worthless man.
lol I see the problem you know nothing of him or ww2. Well what you need to do is watch Patton 360 on history channel and learn more of ww2 and generals lol that ok. Sorry, I didnt know that you knew nothing of ww2 history or patton
I don’t think you understood me. You definitely don’t know what I’m ignorant about, regardless. I’ve been to his museum, if you really want to know.
AWESOME!! I have been to his museam also! trust me man i know alot about ww2 and people in it
:) -
RE: Would the Allies lost if the USSR joined the Axis
yes i agree, with history buff on that matter. Because if America never joined Europe and the Pacific would have fallen.
RE: What do you think of General George S. Patton?
He was an excellent general but he did some things I didn’t like. He slapped 2 U.S. G.I.s.
Of course he did, they gave him no other choice. They was in hospital. Soldiers dont belong in hospitals. Real soldiers fight or die. Real soldiers dont say, - Ohh I am sick today, so I cant kill anybody. Now if I was Patton I would have slapped their butts and used my knee on their face too, just as they deserved.
Well if he was a real General, he wouldn’t have been in the hospital.
well your wrong. because your saying that only good generals do not care for their men but i protest. Because Gen. Patton cared for his men because he was going to check on them and give them medals (like purple heart). Well good for you that you think generals are horable if they dont care for there men
So wrong you had to tell me twice, huh?
Well, all I know is that you going around slapping people, especially your own soldiers, you’re a POS.
He was a fine general, but a worthless man.
lol I see the problem you know nothing of him or ww2. Well what you need to do is watch Patton 360 on history channel and learn more of ww2 and generals lol that ok. Sorry, I didnt know that you knew nothing of ww2 history or patton
RE: What do you think of General George S. Patton?
He was an excellent general but he did some things I didn’t like. He slapped 2 U.S. G.I.s.
Of course he did, they gave him no other choice. They was in hospital. Soldiers dont belong in hospitals. Real soldiers fight or die. Real soldiers dont say, - Ohh I am sick today, so I cant kill anybody. Now if I was Patton I would have slapped their butts and used my knee on their face too, just as they deserved.
Well if he was a real General, he wouldn’t have been in the hospital.
well your wrong. because your saying that only good generals do not care for their men but i protest. Because Gen. Patton cared for his men because he was going to check on them and give them medals (like purple heart). Well good for you that you think generals are horable if they dont care for there men
I have another house rule but I need help with it. So please read!!
Hello, I want to try a new house rule ,but it is fresh out of my brains lol, the new house rule is, I want reinforcements,how can i do this? I need ideas and help on how to do this reinforcement house rule, HERE goes we have all needed reinforcements before exspecially when you lose by 1,you have been there before, so any way i was thinking if your defending a territory you must wait one round of the attack before you can call in 2 units of reinforcements ,but here is the catch you can call in reinforcements but you have to wait 1 turn meaning they attack once and you defend once in the certain territory that is under attack then if you make it during 1 round of attack then you can call up to 2 units that are in a territory connected to the territory under attck (even if you have more than 1 territory connected to the territory that is under attack you can only have 2 untis that are reinforcements). So then they would help you possibly win that battle ,but if you are attacking you can not call in reinforcements. So please tell me what you think about this house rule and what it needs or anything you think about it.
I have a house rule please read!
OK, here is my house rule, Its is great and fun. In real ww2 they did not have turns to go. For instance Axis and Allies didnt go to a meeting to say alright USSR (Russia) you can not do any attacks or buy anything because its Germanys turn this month. So me and my friend took it to the realistic level. Everyone goes at once ,but it may seem confusing or something like that but it is not you still go in the turn sequence but everyone does it at the same time. Also it helps with many things, its helps by having allied invasions where they can attack the same place or start a strategy to take over a place, also here is a problem we had, what happened was I pushed my troops from Karelia SSR, into Belorussia, then he made attack from Eastern Europe into Karelia SSR. So then we were like crap because Im moving my troops into a different territory and he is moving his troops into my territory that I am leaving open. So we thought of a rule, it is ,since in WW2 history the axis had to quickly take over otherwise they may have a great chance of losing, they Axis will always beat you into your territory. So that means the Allies will have to defend before they attack. Although if the Axis almost takes out the Allies before the Allies gets to attack the Allies can change his mind, where he does not have to attack the territory he was going to. So basically that is 1 of our house rules tell me what you think about it or if you have any ideas.
RE: What do you think of General George S. Patton?
Well Jermofoot you are wrong! Because he was in the hospital to visit his wounded and care for them and to give them awards (the purple heart).