@TheMarshall Sounds a lot like i do except i want to launch Barbarossa right away on G1, why?
Because taking Bessarabia/ Eastern Poland on G1 is a walk in the park. But if you can also send a fighter and a tac to bomb troops in Western Ukraine you weaken greatly any threat of counter attack on R1.
Bottom line is the less time you give Russia the better are the odds for Germany.
Of course on G1 i buy 1 Minor Industrial Complex for Romania (to pump 3 tanks every turn), 1 destroyer (to take care of those pesky Russian Subs and 1 fighter (to compensate losses against Royal Navy in SZ110/111)
And like you said from there it is forcing my way up to Moscow, Hopefully by turn 5, most probably by turn 6!
As for Italy my main goal is to take Cairo and hold it at all cost (possibly putting a Minor industrial complex to pump 3 inf/ turn).
Also for Italy i want them to spend their first 10 IPC to buy 1 tank/1 mech, that is all i ask from their economy!
This purchase added with both tanks from Albania and North Italy and air force can meet German force and “can open” Rostov on their T3 with all they have (3 tanks, 1 mech, 2 Fighters, 1 Bomber)
That way Germany can hopefully tank rush Stalingrad on G4.
That being done Italy is now in position to accomplish 1 of 2 things:
A) “can open” Tambov on turn 4 if Germany is rolling like hell and ready to invade Moscow on G5 (chances are slim i know!)
B) blizt south through Caucasus and protect Germany south “belly” while Germany is turning west heading for Leningrad possibly it’s last victory city!
All the while putting infantry on Paris (German- Italian)/ Rome/ Berlin
Long story short my overall goal is to delay US long enough while Germany is rolling towards Leningrad by T7… maybe 8!
Delaying US?
A) Using some clever blocker move in SZ92 (to delay a turn or two the US fleet in the Med)
B) Letting go all North Africa in simply turteling up on Cairo.
C) Letting go Normandy, Holland, South France and turtleling on Main Capitals only while Bombing Threats.
I know… on paper any plan looks great ;)